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Selling Cars


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Family has inherited cars from estate and question how is the best way to sell the cars and how you go about setting price. Cars have been in storage. They are 1909 Maxwell, 1931 Pierce Arrow Coupe (title says Model 43), and a 1959 T-bird convertible. Would appreciate suggestions.

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It's too bad there is not a magic formula for this,... a price needs to be done by comparing it to similar condition cars, in same state of preservation, and Hemmings Motor News has an informal appraisal on it's web site. Unfortunately, telling condition usually entails paying someone experienced to go out and examine the cars, and actually determine the condition, and advise a price. This service usually costs between $50 and $200 per car, depending on type, and opens you up to all sorts of fakery and incompetent shysters. <P>It is sometimes possible to find someone local who is a restorer and ask, but even if they offer to examine it for free, offer them $$ anyway, to keep it professional, and get a receipt. I have done this a number of times, and never asked for front money, despite informing the people it is a service, and has taken me a number of years to be able to do so.<P>Combine an informal appraisal with the Hemmings estimate (if one is available) and and do a reasonable average to determine a rough price. ALL OLD CARS ARE NOT SOLID GOLD, so don't go into this expecting a mint. If people realized how much money is involved in restoration itself, they would not be so unreasonable. It has been my experience that the restorers are much more realistic than non-hobbyist sellers.<P>Finally, get an ad WITH A PICTURE in a national magazine like Hemmings Motor News, and put a picture up online here. Be prepared to not get your asking price, but don't let someone degrade the car and tell you how awful it is, either,...if it so bad, why do they want it?? Get in touch with the AACA people close to you for further suggestions, I am in Austin, Texas, so I probably cannot help you out unless you are close, besides, I specialize in the cars made in Indiana, between 1900-1925.<P>Robert Swim

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