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Australian Buicks


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My Buick friend since I first got online, Tony Gentilcore, sent me a copy of the Australian Buick News. I like to share it with the members of the Finger Lakes Chapter of the BCA so I pump it up to a website I have and email a link.

I dropped Tony a note over the weekend and asked if it was OK to share the link. Well, here is Tony's answer:


This is literally how the other half lives!


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Guest Rob McDonald

Jeez, I could never live in Australia. Reading about all those Buick meets and tours and barbies makes me want to take another nap. When do they find time to hunt kangaroos or whatever it is they do for a living?

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You can't ride a Kangaroo when you do this:

Andrew must be Harry Butler's replacement. Years ago we watched Harry on public TV just to see what was going to bite him this week.

I am hoping to spend next January in the Cook Islands. Jack Kennedy said it wasn't a bad walk over to see you.


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Ah yes, Harry Butler. Used to watch him myself on local TV. He was the forerunner in the media in regards to public awareness of animal welfare / habitats etc.

In latter years the spotlight focused on the crocodile man Steve Irwin ( dec. )

You'll love the Cook Islands. Went there nearly 30 years ago.

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In 1969 I was 19 years old and a Boilerman on a US Navy ship. We steamed across the eqator and down to Sidney for R&R. I still remember coming around the Great Barrier Reef and being called out of the "hole" to see the dolphins leaping across the bow of the ship. May in Sidney harbor and Kings Cross, hoping to check it out soon.


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I guess spell checker didn't catch the Snydley thing. I'm a 6 hour drive from the Naw Yerkers, we actually talk like people from Milwaukee (closest I've found anyway).

I think I posted this picture once before. It is the view of Toronto across the lake from a little town we like to have lunch in:post-46237-143141831617_thumb.jpg.

We ain't city folks.


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