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Shipping car parts

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I have to share with you a company I just found to ship large items. Those that are too big for UPS or the post office. I just shipped a 75 lb, wardrobe size box from California to NY for only $135. Their customer service was very good and they delivered on time. The company is Alliance Air Freight Inc. (1-800-684-6359. There are on the net too to get quotes. The usual disclaimers apply. And I am a first time customer only. I have no connection with them at all. I just wanted to spread the good news with other DFers.

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Chris, Thanks for the good news! Was that rate based on overall size or weight? I once tried to ship a Model A Ford front fender half way across the country and it would have cost over $100.00. Does this company fly everything, or is there a ground service as well? I hate it when shipping costs more than the item!

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I am not sure exactly how they came up with rate. I got my quote from their on line site. It asked for all the dimensions and the weight.<BR>My box was shipped by truck. I was assured that it was on the same locked truck all the way from CA to NY. I don't know whether it has to be in a box or not, but I don't think so.<BR>If anyone else has had similar luck shipping parts I would love to hear of other companies to use.

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