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Where to buy bumper overriders


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Ian, were their different styles available for your car or are these an accesory item that was available back then in many different variations. Thanks

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Hi Jason,

I believe they were an accessory but the "real" accessory were the ones on Ken Sobel's car. I have many original sales brochures and pictures and most have no bumper guards on them. The ones that do are like Ken's car.

I have quite a few photos of Ken's car and he even sent me a story of how his car was restored by the prisioners !

I've checked on ebay ( thanks to Keiser's search suggestion ) and nothing that looks like the original accessory. I did write to one guy who said he has none in stock at the moment ( wouldn't you know it ), so I'll keep pestering him until he has some in stock.


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Thanks Ian, I have read something about the car restored by prisoners, cant remember the entire story though so if you have time to post it here I would like to re-read it.

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Hi Jason,

I haven't forgotten you. I saved Ken's letter in a safe place in my computer........so safe in fact I forgot where I saved it. I did find it yesterday and I have to convert it to get it to a managable size to be accepted to this forum. When I get a minute I'll get it done and post it.



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Ok Ian, I think the problem is that I am running windows 6 tonight ( which I prefer ) since I have been having comp. problems. I dont think I have the reader downloaded yet and not even sure I can get it with 6 anymore.

Will have to look into it. No worries, I will open it on my wifes if need be tomm. Thanks again and will prob. have some comment concerning the story tomm night

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Hi Ian, I had to make an appointmnt with my wife to use her comp. but finally got it open, interesting story and thanks for sending it

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