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Glenmoor Gathering Auction


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Had anyone attended the Glenmoor gathering auction last saturday in Ohio?

I had put in an offer to a local dealer for a 1927 Buick 128-54 sport roadster. But instead it was consigned to the auction. The only information was that it was not sold. I believe only 21 of about 100 cars show sold on the auction websight. The 27 md 54 still apears on the dealers websight @$32,900. For a worn number 3, 30+ year old restoration. I inquired to the dealer if it had sold and he has not responded. We have been looking for a good teens or 20s driver open touring prefered. This was our 3rd attempt, our first was outlined in a previous post.

What I would like to know is what was it bid up to?

Larry D

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I was at the auction and saw the car, but, unfortunately, did not look it over that close and I was not there when it crossed the block. If you have an interest in the car, I would contact Megan Boyd of Motorcar Portfolio, her email is: mboyd@motorcarportfolio.com

I am sure she can help you and possibly put a deal together between you and the actual owner. Good luck!

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Hi, This is Bob Lichty, president of Classic Motorcar Auctions and long term AACA member, I can address your questions. First sorry if you did not get a reply from the office, the staff has been maxed since the sale taking care of our guaranteed 5 day payment, and titles. Just to set the record straight, we had 128 cars, with 42% selling with net prices up a lot from last year. The 1927 Buick has been on consignment to us for sometime to settle an local estate. The original minimum the estate wanted was well into the high $30's. It is a 40 year old restoration and I agree about a low #3 condition. It runs and drives excellent. The family needs to sell the car to clear up the estate. The high bid on the car at the auction was $19,500 which I think anyone would agree is way to low for such a rare car. However, the family has gotten much more realistic and have lowered the reserve to mid-$20's. We have had multiple offers for the car in that range, of course "before" the family lowered their expectations. We can now sell it at a really good value and help them clean up the estate at the same time. The former owner was in AACA and VMCCA for many years. Please give me a call personally and I will help you on this deal, I think we can work something out. 330-453-8900. And for anyone wanting to see the results for the Glenmoor Grand Salon Auction, here is a link to that web site, Classic Motorcar Auction BTW: I hope this post is not in violation of some non-commercial blog rule, but I wanted to publicly respond to set the record straight on the mis-quoted statistics and to help the above AACA member reach us and help the family settle their estate, a problem many AACAer's have these days.

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