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6 volt problem/ I touched it

Guest koa

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Need help. I picked up a 1927 Chrysler all original down to the leather brakes and it ran perfect. I have never had a 6 volt system before let alone a positive ground system. With that said, I purchased a new battery and hooked the ground to the positive (poof smoke). Engine turns over just fine, I no longer have lights or spark. I have been unable to locate any type of fuse. I have installed a new started solenoid and a new coil, still nothing works except the starter. Has anyone done this before or do you have any suggestions.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

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Don't know about your car specifically, but it was fairly typical of Chrysler products at that time to have one fuse only. Look on the back of the ammeter, a common place for that one fuse.

I guess the question in my mind is why did the fuse blow when you connected power. Sounds like you might have a short in the system somewhere. A test lamp or Ohm meter and some time checking for faults might be a good idea before you blow too many more fuses.

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Hooking up the battery would not blow anything even if you hooked it up backwards. Ply 33 has a point.

When trying to track down a short it helps to connect a light or buzzer in series with the battery. Anything to cut the voltage and prevent burning things up. Then go around looking for the short, when you find it the light or buzzer will go out.

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Thanks for the information. The fuse was not blown also it's not hooked up to anything(?)..I am working on replacing the wires and they are original wires too. The funny part is I checked everything with an ohm meter and it shows I have power to the coil, distributor gages. Still no lights or spark. The good thing is there are only about 20 wires to replace.

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