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1949 New Yorker Fluid Drive Question

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I own a 1949 Chrysler New Yorker 4d Sedan with the Fluid Drive Clutch. I just got this car and make my experiences. With engine running, car is not moving, it is no problem to shift in low or high. Driving also no problem. But if I want to shift in rear, it makes a horrible noise… grrrrrrr….:( So actually I can’t shift into rear, just if I switch in with force. But this is not the right way, of course.

So where could be the problem and how can I solve it?

Thanks for your help


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Low and high range are syncroed-thats why it's easy into those ranges. Reverse is not. Clutch might not be disengaging 100%. To make a quick test....Put lever in low range, engine running -with clutch pushed in -quickly pull shifter into reverse-if no grinding, clutch is dragging-out of adjustment or pilot bushings are dragging on the input shaft.


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Hi Bob,

thanks for the answer. A kind of this test I made yesterday evening and it was as you said, the grinding was not to heavy just a little bit. I talked also to the owner before be and he said also, that I should adjust the clutch. He did this also in the past and then smooth shifting should be possible. I will try it...


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The Fluid Drive and semi automatic transmission are usually reliable and long lived. They need certain maintenance and a certain driving technique.

All has been covered before. If you do a search for Fluid Drive on the Chrysler board you will find many old threads. In 2OO8 there were some that covered the subject in great detail. They could save you a lot of time and make owning and driving your Chrysler more enjoyable.

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Will not affect the clutch but may prevent the transmission from shifting automatically. The shift is done by a hydraulic mechanism, if there is not enough oil to fill the pump, the mechanism will not work.

I hate to say this but if the adjustment did not help, and if it still does not work correctly after driving for a short time, it may be necessary to renew the clutch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I understand your problem correctly, you are saying that you cannot shift the car into reverse. This is not a Fluid Drive problem or a semi-automatic transmission problem. Your shift lever linkage is probably out of adjustment.

I had this same problem with my 1950 DeSoto many years ago.

Good Luck!

Dave Duricy


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  • 4 weeks later...

Manuals are available on Ebay, from $20 for reproductions or CD to $50-$100 for factory repair manuals as supplied to dealers.

Here is the Imperial club web site, it has several Chrysler transmission repair manuals. Maybe one will tell you how to adjust your linkage. Imperials used the same engine and transmission as your New Yorker.


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