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Brass era brake drum manufacturing


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Hi all,

I need some advice on making new brake drums for my 1914 Overland Model 79 speedster project. The originals appear to be made from some sort of high tensile pressed steel. My father and I are thinking about fabricating them from carbon steel hollow bar, but heard the thermal and braking properties of ordinary steel are not that good. Another option we have come across is having them cast in mehanite, but have concerns for long term durability due to the thin wall of Overland brake drums, however the wall thickness could be increased marginally.

Any comments or if anyone knows of manufacturer would be greatly appreciated.


Ben (Australia)

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Ben, If you search the wrecking yards you should find brake drums from a modern car that can be machined to the required size. The cost will be much less and they will be cast iron which is the best material for the job.

David (also from Australia)

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We machined a pair of brake drums for a 1908 Pullman from solid 14" steel bar stock. Worked fine but took a good bit of time and produced 4 55gallon drums of lathe turnings. We couldn't find originals nor could we find "modern" drums close enough to rework. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. We have also had badly worn brake drums "spray welded" to build up the thickness so they could be machined back to original size. That worked well also but again required a good bit of machining time. Some problems have no easy solution.

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