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Three Cheers for Ron and Judy!!

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Hey, Mike, how are you?<P>You bet Ron & Judy did a great job with that Sport Coupe (and Allstate scooter, too.)<P>Only problem I have is Ron has been eye-balling my Triumph. He wants to do some surgical cutting torch work to make it look "American". That's another story.<P>Regards, Peter.<P> grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Hello Mr. Pete,<P>I was thinking that since my Impala is SO big and the scooter is SO small, Your TR-6 will fit right in the middle (after you correct that hood problem). wink.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>The only other thing is if we want to stay with a Patriotic Theme, The TR-6 will have to be painted blue since the Impala is white and the scooter is red.<BR> Housefly.gif

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Give me some credit, Ron. Put yourself in the position I was in at the Strausstown Show. How would you like being in a Triumph, look in the rear-view mirror, and see that Sport Coupe bearing down? I started thinking what a bug must look like just before the big "splat" !!<P>Regards, Pete grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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