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Delco Knee Action Shocks

Guest oldbill

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Guest oldbill

I have a 49 olds with the old Knee-Action shock absorber that drives like an aircraft carrier in hi seas. I would like to try and rebuild the shocks myself as SS does not pay well enough to get rebuilt ones at $200 ea. Can I get the parts I need? What is usually worn out after 62 years? Any suggestions on teardown / reassembly. :confused:

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Add some hydraulic jack oil from your local auto parts store and see if they are working properly or leaking.

If they are locked up then you must remove the caps and check for broken or contaminated parts then clean the internal parts, relief valve piston etc .

If the caps are frozen I use the vibration from a rivet gun to free them.

If they are leaking try some seal swelling agent if this does not work then you must remove the arms and replace the packing. This is a more complicated job then cleaning the internal parts and you should have pullers and a press.

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That type of shock is supposed to last the life of the car. Try filling with jack oil. For firmer shocks you could also try motorcycle fork oil, it comes in different grades for this purpose.

Leaky seals are the most common problem. You have to top them up if the fluid leaks out. Leaks can be slowed down by wrapping string tight around the shaft but if the seal is shot the only complete cure is to replace the seal or rebuild the shcoks.

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