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Burchill auto storage yard


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On the "Our cars and restorations" forum there was mention of the Bob Burchill collection of cars. Here are some shots of the outdoor storage in Port Huron, Michigan where Bob began his collection. I took these in about 1970 or maybe 1971......the shots are actually a panoramic from left to right except for the last two shots. I see my friend Scott in one photo with who I believe to be Ron Birchill. Enjoy.









Edited by keiser31 (see edit history)
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I sure recall the pictures, I believe we were in our late teens when these pictures were taken. It’s too bad that you don’t have any from inside, specifically of what I believe was an original 1917 Dodge Touring Car that I got to sit in, what a monster it was. It was a great place and it was too bad when it closed up. It was a different time for sure. Oh, and for the record I’m not the one with the hat. Thanks for the chance to stir up some memories. Scott

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Wow, I forgot about the brown hair under my cap. I would agree that the photo was in the early 70's and yes that is me with the red cap in younger days!!

Unfortunately with the passing of time and weather the cars were rather rough at the time Dad closed the store and these pieces were for the most part scrapped! A real shame, as Dad would not use them for parts. Most were driven in and parked (by me!) What a treat when you are 12-18 years old! The group of cars I have now are some that were in another building and in much better condition. I have been able to add to the collection and yes it is a challenge to keep them running.

It is great to hear from people in the past and rememberances about Dad and the business. We sold parts all over the world and met some wonderful people.

Yes the collection is private. If you wish to see, you can contact me at robburchill@comcast.net The cars range from the 1909 Reo and the Chryslers begin in 1926 and run thru the 80's. A couple of Dodges are there too!

Dad had amassed an enormous amount of literature and that is an ongoing project to organize and record. He started collecting information in the 30's while still in highschool.

Thanks for the interest and memories. Rob

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