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Old Car Jokes and Funny Car Stories

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I suggested an "Automotive Joke Thread". Or, "Funny Car Stories"

For those of that run Antique Car Club meetings or do much public speaking

about our hobby, a source of fun old car stories or jokes would be a wonderful source of old car humor.<!-- google_ad_section_end --> Our Newsletter folks could use a good laugh too.

After 38 years in this hobby I'd much rather laugh at a good old car story than tally a judging sheet. For those that PM'd me jokes, please post them here.

Keep it clean, we are a family club (mostly adults too).

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..... For those that PM'd me jokes, please post them here. .....

Okay Paul here is the one I sent to you. I heard it a long time ago.

Two best friends in the old car hobby make a pact. Whoever dies first has to let the other two know if there are old cars in heaven.

A few years later Harry dies and comes back to his best friend Steve. Steve asks him, "Harry, do they have old cars in heaven?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news about that", says Harry. "The good news is there are old cars in heaven, the bad news is you are going to be the Chief Judge at next week's show." :eek:

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