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Guest TaxMan444

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Guest TaxMan444

Im sorry if this is a waste of a thread but Im just curious if anyone would take me up on this offer. I bought my reatta (white) with a damaged rear bumper, I was able to find another one on ebay but it was painted black. Of course this was before I discovered the "reatta graveyard" in arizona were you can get a body part in a desired color. to get to the point im just wondering if anyone has a spare white bumper lying around that they would be willing to trade, the black one I have is in exeptional condition no scratches or anything, so again Ill be willing to mail my bumper to anyone that might consider this. I don't know if the "reatta graveyard" would be willing to do this but I'll check later.


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Guest re-reatta


My guess is, he is referring to Speedway Automotive in Phoenix, AZ. They're supposed to have quite a selection of Reatta parts cars on hand.

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Guest steveskyhawk


Find a good (local) metal polishing shop and have the top face of the bumper polished. Then take the whole thing to a good body shop and they can make it white for you to match the rest of the car. Good time to have other paint work done as needed too.

The shipping charges alone are prohibitive and with a trade you dont know what you are going to get in return.

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Guest TaxMan444

yeah the autobody shop would be a good solution but I dont really have a spare vehicle to use while I get the work done. and yeah I was refering to the speedway automotive in Phoenix Arizona

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Guest Richard D

FYI - a good/straight rear bumper absent scratches and Especially absent "clouding" is worth its weight in precious metal.

Hi Nic, A very fine 3 inch wire wheel in a cordless drill with some Flitz took off the "clouding in no time. I would tape the painted sections of the plastic on the bumper, in case the wheel slips.

OR if you have more time and don't want to take a chance scratching anything use fine steel wool and Flitz.

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