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Need help identifying steel tank

Guest RyanPitch

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Guest RyanPitch

Hi everyone; new to the board here and I'm hoping you can help me identify this old (radiator overflow?) tank.

We're using this as an oil tank on the back of a '77 Ironhead (Harley Sportster). I got this for $10 at a swap meet but ruined it when I left it in phosphoric acid too long (I was trying to get rid of the rust). Any idea of what it came from? I need to get a duplicate.


In my searches through junkyards, I have not found anything like it, nor have I found anyone who knows what the heck it could be. It seems like it's around a gallon or so, which is quite a bit larger than a normal car's radiator overflow tank. Any ideas as to what it is?

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Guest Robin Coleman

Ryan, I'm not sure what you mean by ruined, but if it is pinholes check out a fuel tank sealer made by a great company called Resto Motive Labs. Their products are called POR-15 and are by light years superior to anything else I have tried. I have been sealing motorcycle fuel tanks for over 35 years and this stuff is the best I have seen.

POR15, Inc. - Stop Rust Permanently - Repair Gas & Fuel Tanks

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Guest RyanPitch


Thanks for the suggestion. I've thought of POR-15 already, but this isn't for a fuel tank application. It's for an oil tank. I expect temperatures to get to 250 degrees F.

Also, in response to Fleek's suggestion, I believe those Ford expansion tanks sit horizontally (i.e., longest dimension horizontally). If you look at the cap opening here, the tank is made to be mounted vertically, with its longest dimension vertically.

Any other ideas? Thanks everyone!

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Guest Robin Coleman

Ryan..You can ask the POR15 folks what their max temp tolerance is, but I still believe this is a solution...Their kits also come with a bit of fabric to help cover larger holes...I have repaired tanks with holes in them big enough to throw a cat through...A phone call tomorrow ain't gonna cost you a thing.

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Guest Robin Coleman

BTW Ryan..My first Harley was a '71 XLCH...Kick start only...Had to get rid of it...I got tired of my right leg being twice the size of my left! I did not know till years later when I spoke to Jerry Branch that my Sporty had Sifton "P" grind cams in it, and this caused very poor breathing at low RPM..I rode a '59 Duo Glide all over the country for 25 years. It never let me down.

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Guest RyanPitch

Here's a pic of the cap if that'll help anyone ID this thing:



Robin - thanks for the advice. I believe POR-15 has too low a max temperature, but I'll re-check. Yes, our bike has the electric start, so no knee problems for me. Got an '03 Fatboy as my daily rider, so this thing is my art/project bike. Thanks!

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Not sure about the tank pictured, But I found this in my search. Looks like a similar one gallon size, and polished aluminum should look good on a bike. Dandy Dave!

Canton 1 Gallon Aluminum Coolant Overflow Catch Tanks

Search around the site. There are others offered.

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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