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What is the name for the...

Guest 26dodge37

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Guest 26dodge37

What is the official name for the cord or rope that goes across the back of the front seat in my old 37 Dodge Sedan. It matches the Windlace that goes around the doors. (Funny thing, try to find a definition of Windlace. No dictionary seems to know what it is!)

Does anyone know where I can get cord and matching windlace?

Thanks, Annie Betts

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I've always heard them called robe rails whether they were metal or cloth, but may be wrong.

Have you checked Lebaron Bonney for your windlace?...there may be other places too. I'm have to have mine custom made by an upholstery shop here using small diameter rope as the underlayment. I saw in another AACA forum under Cars and Restoration Projects a guy redoing his 1929 Huppmobile and he used small diameter tubing as a base for his windlace.....I think he has photos on there too.

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Guest DodgeKCL

Robe rail. Wife bought a Hudson Bay blanket to hang over it.

It occured to me to look in a Chrysler parts book after intially entering the 'robe 'rail' answer. And lo and behold the 1928-1934 parts book calls it a robe rail. BUT in the '33/'34 listing they call it a robe cord. So I take it if yours is the metal folding bar type then it's a robe rail but when they changed and made them out of twisted cord then it's called a robe cord. Mine would then be more correctly called a robe cord. Although like the name Kleenex the term robe rail seems to be the more common term regardless of actually material construction.

Edited by DodgeKCL (see edit history)
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