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Air Pump Problems


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Ok you guys with the early Buicks. How many of you are still running the original engine driven air pumps to charge the fuel tanks on your late teens Buicks? I simply cannot get this one not to pump oil into the gas line. The air pump brings in air along with oil from inside the engine, seems to be an engineering problem of sorts perhaps. Ours is a 1914 Buick, would enjoy hearing from others with experiences with this.

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My 13 buick was gravity feed only until we (my dad & I many years ago) installed an exhaust pressure system. We used the threaded port on the exhaust manifold formerly used to heat the carb. and plumbed a copper tube through a spark arrester and then via fuel tubing into the sealed gas cap under the seat.

I have never run out of gas on a long hill since we did this modification.....

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