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Caravan to Colorado?

Guest Reatta1

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Guest Reatta1

Anybody from the Pacific Northwest (Oregon/Wash.) planning on driving to Colorado Springs? I'd be willing to hook up with a grouip for the trip.

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Guest Reatta1

June 30th to July 4. Most of the meet stuff happens on the 3rd and 4th. Before that are the tours and sightseeing mostly.

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Guest Reatta1

We expect it to be a two day drive for us. Probably leave on Jume 30. More or less planned to catch the Interstate in Ontario, Oregon, go down through Salt Lke City, across southern Wyoming, south at Cheyenne through Denver to Colorado Springs. One overnight stop in the Salt Lake City area. I have a sister who lives in Colorado Springs and will be bunking at her house. Return trip probably same route. Could meet up with a group in Ontario. Above is adjustable if we can hook up with a group. Could meet a group in Biggs Junction, Oregon, although it would add about a hundred miles to our trip.

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I saw where Brian answered your same post elsewhere on the forum. I thought they were already booked up but evidently I was wrong. If we go, my plan was to hotfoot it down there in a couple of days as well. We'd probably spend a few days at the meet and then come right home as I have niece getting married the following weekend. I guess I'll make my mind up in a week or so. If we do decide to go, it would probably be in our Reatta unless I have problem before then. It runs great and has no issues except having 148K on her. Stay in touch. It would be fun to caravan down with a few Reatta buddies.


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Guest Reatta1

Greg, I'll be driviong my 88 Reatta. Could hook up with you at The Dalles, Biggs Junction or Ontario. Where in Washington are you?

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I live in Federal Way which is between Seattle and Tacoma. I should know in a couple of days if I could arrange to go. I'll let you know and then we could figure out where to hook up. Daniel, it would be great if you could find a way to join us. I would love to see your supercharged Reatta.

I missed the National in Bellevue as I had a family reunion in PA that week. I have spent many trips in Denver and Colorado Springs as prior to my retirement, my employer was based there. I always flew though, so this would be my first driving trip. there is some beautiful country to go through. even better in a Reatta caravan. I think I am talking myself into this....


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You have a great excuse for missing the local National, thank you for your service to our country. Things are settling down here now that my granddaughter was born 2 months ago. I am also off this week as the schools are on Spring Break. Give me a call and we can get together at your convienence.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Reatta1

Just to bring this back to the top. Have either of you guys made a decision yet? I sent in my registration last week and will be planning the trip soon. In order to be there in time for the Reatta rendevous I would need to leave no later than Tuesday the 30th of June. E-mail me at reatta1_1@msn.com to co-ordinate a time and place to meet. You guys have somewhat further to go than me. I can leave a day sooner if necessary.

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