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1998 Rivy keyless entry reprogamming


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Greetings to all. I have two 1998 Rivys and they both had their keyless entry zappers die at about the same time. One Rivy came right back with new battery and reset insructions in manual. Other one will not reset. For this 2nd car I got a copy of the full programming instructions and the OBD pinouts needed but the car will not enter the 'programming' mode (e.g. door locks cycle) when the two pinouts from instructions are connected and ignition key in proper condition. Kicker to me is that the one I fixed is my wife's car that my kid is using ... the one that I can't fix is MINE!

It is possible, very possible, that my rivvy's 'zapper' is not the one that come with it from the factory as I bought this car used and the zapper is in virtually new condition; where as my wife's zapper that came with the brand new car shows much wear & tear.

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Are the numbers on the back of the remotes the same? take the battery out and check the inside of the remote sometimes the part the holds the battery in breaks and wont program, there for the car wont enter into programming mode. Has there ever been an aftermarket alarm or starter installed? Fatory keyless is unpluged? few places to check

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Also, you might want to make sure you're at least 30 feet away from the other 98 so that there's no signal interference.

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