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1990 radio ?

Guest NEMO

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this radio,crackles,pops,then left channel goes dead. I need to replace,or get repaired.any one know of a repair shop,new york ,long island?

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Guest Squire Tom

i found a repaired radio from a seller on ebay. the radio was not being advertised , but they have a lot of radios. the pictures they sent appear to be a match and have a 90 day warranty policy. after the vendor answers a few more questions , i will probably buy.quoted response below. $60 plus shipping.


We have thousands of older domestic radios. We have the radio. I checked it, and it is in perfect working order. This is older inventory that we probably serviced 10 years ago and it has been waiting to be sold since then. These radios are 2 piece. There is a box mounted to the top with 3 screws that is called the receiver box."

after i receive i will post email of vendor.

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