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Compressor Question

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Simple question but when not in use is it advisable to leave some pressure in the tank of a compressor? This would be a smaller, home garage type unit, not a stand up or anything like that. I have heard suggestions both ways.


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Guest oakland

When you compress air, you are actually squeezing it and wringing out moisture. This moisture accumulates in the air reciever tank. It is always a good practice that when you are thru using the compresser to open the drain and empty the tank. This way the damp air is released from the reciever tank. By not draining the tank all the time when finished, every time you use the compressor you are continually compressing more air into air that is already saturated with moisture. This can cause corrosion inside the reciever tank and results in excessive moisture in the air that is used to power your tools or whatever it is used for.

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