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1924 toouring in a 135 mile trip


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if I can get my car ready I will go to Morro Bay car show,next weekend, any suggestions other than patience, It's a long hilly drive for a cad I have never takeout if town. MIKE By the way the 135 miles is one way.Have to make a return trip the next day.

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Make sure your spare has air and your gas tank is full. Flush your cooling system to make sure you are clean and refill with a good coolant mix. Do an oil change and take a spare quart with you. Make sure your points are filed and your plugs are clean and gapped properly. Check your tire pressure. Check the grease level in the rear end and grease all grease fittings. Make sure you have a good set of basic tools under the seat and a roll of electrical tape and some wire ties along with rags. If you have a fuse block make sure you have extra fuses. You should have a fire exten. and a good cell phone. Take pleny of sun screen and a six pack and have fun.

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