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A/C will not go all the way on

Guest daveagain909

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Guest weewilly

When switching to "auto" on the ac/ heater controls the unit will not go to true "auto" only goes to "econo". Then does not blow real cold. All was working well until trying heater button then switching back to auto. Temp is set at 60 degrees and now goes to econo when swithching to auto. Am I doing something wrong or has my control module gone bad. Please help. 1990 reatta witch just turned to 100,000 miles had a new a/c unit control modul done at 98000 miles (did not know till today wife paid to have it replaced because fan was stuck on and ran down battery when I was out of town 2 months ago.(She never told me till today)

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If the control is in "econo" and you push the "auto" button, does the "auto" button light? If it DOES NOT it is probably the control unit ...buttons not making contact.

The fan stuck on ON was not the interior control, that problem is the fan control unit in the engine compartment.

So the interior control probably HAS NOT been changed.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest weewilly

yes the auto light goes on but econ light does not go out.

Is it possible that it is to cold (colder that 60 degrees) and the air just wont go on?

this started happening again.

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Guest sanders

Does anyone know where to obtain a new dash A/C, fan and heat control unit for a 1990 Reatta .Any idea of cost ? My fan seems to be stuck on low and won't change to a higher speed .The temperature is set for 75 degrees and won't go higher or lower .The lights on the dash control work and It will change from A/C to heat and defrost and throw heat at low speed also .Also where is the fan control unit in the engine compartment and how would I go about testing it to see if the problem lies there ?

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Guest sanders

63 viking

When you say the control in the dash needs to be cleaned do you mean remove and blow clean with compressed air or washed with some kind of solution ? I am not very mechanical and need to pass this information on to my garage . My garage is like a lot of them , Don't fix it replace it !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest weewilly

I was able to get my air working again by just disconecting the negative on my battery waiting 5 minutes then reconnecting. Then the air starting working just like new. Very wierd. I did this after reading the air conditioning recharge instructions on a label under hood. I quess the electronics in this car were ahead of there time. I hope it continues to work.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest weewilly

My car is still having problems with the econ light going on when you try to get air. I put the control to auto and the econ light just flashes then stays on (no air) also the auto light goes on and stays, and the econ light is still on. but no air.

Then when I disconnect battery ground and reinstall all works fine for a while (days, weeks).

I am perplexed on what is wrong, Is it electrical? Is it the dash control? or is there something wrong with ac unit itself?

Need Ideas pleas

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Pull out the A/C control and clean it with contact cleaner, do a search, it has been explained several times.

I think what happens when you disconnect the battery.... the control resets to AUTO and will stay there until you start pushing buttons, some of the buttons may have an intermittant contact and work but it sounds like the ECON button is working.

I suspect that if you try to change the fan speed while it is in AUTO the fan will not change speed.

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Guest weewilly

The fan speed does change when in auto , but will try cleaning contacts on a/c control. I allready have another controller so will clean that one and try it. Thanks, I hope it works, will let you know.

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