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TC Parts Prices


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Just from some casual viewing here this is a huge problem.. trying to factor the value of these parts.

Most that are looking to buy, never say what they are willing to spend.

Most that are selling, dont post upfront prices and usually wait for an offer or want to negotiate offline.

This is very discouraging to buy parts here because theres no established values over time. If i wanted a piece for the interior theres no way to see what the last 4 people paid because everyone is so private about prices.


I think itd be a good idea to start getting a list of common parts and the average sales price that buyers and sellers are willing to accept, just as a rough idea. Obviously desperate buyers will pay more, desperate sellers sell lower, etc... But to establish a starting point so that those that do watn to buy or sell know what to expect.

Make sense or am i just whining?!

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I don't think you are whining. I see this every day and not jsut in car parts.

IMHO a fair price is what a buyer and seller mutually agree upon. There have been a few comments made here and elsewhere about pricing, and it all boils down to what someone is willing to pay. That is what establishes what something is worth.

I am also of the opinion that if someone is not willing to post a price on something they are selling, then most likely the price isn't fair since they are afraid to post said price. Personally, I'm not going to waste my time asking.

There is also a difference between an asking price and a selling price. Sure, there are people out there asking $800 for a headlamp. But are they getting that price? I'm guessing probably not. If the parts aren't selling at the prices you are asking, odds are you are over-priced since so many parts for these cars are hard to come by and are a desireable commodity. Using a salvage yard to price your parts doesn't make much sense since EVERYONE knows that junk yards are overpriced. I mean when you can buy a part new or remanufactured for less than you can buy used and abused at a junk yard... think about it.

I have sold a lot of parts here. I try to price fairly and I post all my prices on my website. I am not out to gouge someone. Compared to some, it seems I have given away many of my parts but I would rather help someone keep their car on the road or looking nice than make the absolute top $$. I ask enough to make pulling the parts worth my while, but I would rather move the parts and help others rather than sit on them. Some others say the same thing, but still price themselves at the top end of the market. I guess they aren't really interested in selling quickly. JMO.

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Your absolutely right, and that is why I started my Yahoo Group for TC parts. But not many seem to want to take advantage of it. There are posts on this forum with prices wanted by the sellers, you just have to search for them.

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