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Everything posted by GunnyRec

  1. 59, There actually is a Co that has devoleped a trans adapter for the Straight 8's and all of the Nailheads. I think with there adapters you can pretty much use any trans Manuel or Auto with the Chevy bolt pattern, and even some other stuff too. Take a look I will include a link to there site. This link is directly to the Straight Eight page but surf around in there and you will find the Nailhead page as well. Gunny http://www.transmissionadapters.com/Buick_straight_eight_263_320.htm
  2. Hey Joe, If it's not to much trouble would you mind telling me a little about your Mustang II set up. I keep reading that some folks have done this to these old Buicks but I can't seem to find the how of how they did it. All of the Mustang II suspension up grade folks don't seem to furnish anything for these old Buicks. Chevys yes, Ford yes, but they left out Buicks. Any help would be great/ Gunny
  3. Guy's, This is a bad deal all the way around, and seldom will any good come from it. First we have a poster come on here and have some words to say about a feller selling parts. Bunch of folks jump right to a conclusion and blast the seller of these parts. Then seller comes on and has his say and now a bunch more folks are ready to blast the buyer. A no win situation all the way around. So where does this leave us. Well the Monday morning quaterback will say: Well it's the buyers fault he should have asked for pictures.-- OR-- Well it's the sellers fault he should have given a better and more complete description of the items being sold. A bad situation I say, all the way around. None of us where privileged to what really happened or was said. I personally don't have a dog in this fight. I don't know either the buyer or the seller, but they both are probably fine folks if you got to know them. I did do a little looking around into this and visted the web site mentioned by the complainer. After taking a look at what was there and looking at the correspondence and the pictures, and then listening to what the seller had to say in his messages to this board. One thing I did find interesting is the fact that the seller did not contradict any of the information on that web-site. There you will find a "NOTE" from the seller to the buyer that says, and I quote:"Robert, I have the following for your 61 Buick Wagon: 1. Rear bumper mounting brackets $85.00. 2. Rear Bumper, has light dings & dents, and a small rust hole on the driver side $145.00. 3. Right rear taillight assembly with lens, very nice used, good chrome and lens. $125.00. Sorry can't help on the other parts. If interested please email address for total with shipping & handling. I live in central Kansas 67530. > Thanks, > Steve Now after reading that "NOTE" from the seller, I would like to know a couple of things. Foe one is this "NOTE" an accurate copy of the e-mails that where exchanged between buyer and seller? If the answer to that question is yes then I think the seller has a real big problem with his descriptions. It says "Rear Bumper, has light dings & dents" and I don't care about the rust hole part myself. Have any of you folks looked at the pictures of this bumper? If by any stretch of the imagination anyone on the planet could call those, LIGHT DENTS & DINGS old Steve can send me those bumpers and I will serve them up and eat them for supper tonight. Now come on Steve, IF and thats a big IF, but IF that is an accurate description then you are just as much to blame as anyone for this complaint going public. Light dents and DINGS hell man I didn't see anything on those pictures that would come even close to a DING. The buyer ( And I'm sorry i don't have your handle handy) of any of these parts only has the responsibility of being sure that what he is ordering is the right thing, and for sending money. It would be a great shame if now we have to ask everyone we buy from to send us a picture first. Most sellers probably won't do that even if they have the ability to do so. And what if seller won't do that hum? What if it is the one source of that very rare part that you just have to have, and can't find and the seller says sorry I don't have anyway to send you a picture. What do you do then? I'll tell you what 99.9% of all of US would do. And that is trust the seller to give a good and accurate description. So who is at fault here? Damned if I know, maybe both. But I'm pretty sure that this time it's not my fault thank goodness. Gunny
  4. I have aquired a nice 1937 Buick Special, that is in very good condition but not quite good enough to leave alone or restore to orignal. So this old Buick is going to have a little bit of a different life. Stock drive train is being replaced with a nail head and 4 speed. I do want to leave the suspension alone at least for right now. Everything in the suspension has been rebuilt or replaced, and I even used the hotrodding style and fabrication to add some real shocks to the front of this Buick. But those old brakes will just not do at all. So the Question: Does anyone know of a disc brake conversion for these early Buicks? If that is not possible, and I would be surprised if it was. Anyone know of a compatible donor car or system? Thanks guys Gunny
  5. Glad to hear that everything is doing better. I am not much of a praying man however in this case I have made an exception. I hope it helps. Gunny
  6. Man there is some very good advice hear. However I am going to have to disagree just a little with Madam "shop rat" just a little. I think there is one aspect of this whole Old Car thing that many don't seem to understand and that is the "WOW" factor. That "WOW" factor can come from something as simple as just owning one of these old cars, driving up to the store to pick up a few things takes on a whole new deminsion when your driving a 1939 Plymouth or Olds or Buick or whatever. The pleasure can be a reward of it's own. Sometimes this reward cannot be measured in money alone. But you also don't have to have a 400 point show car to drive to the local 7-11 for milk. But also Ms Shop Rat, if it was money and money alone that was the determining factor and how much we could make or lose on a car purchase or restoration, then none of us would ever buy any car no matter the year or anything else. As an example I own a Dodge Ram 1 ton Dually that I payed over $40,000.00 brand new. On that day I bought this truck and drove out of there driveway, at the moment I passed that sidewalk I lost in real money due to depreciation a min of 20% that is $8,000.00 for driving 20 feet. That money is gone and gone forever unless some day the start restoring 2004 Dodge Trucks, don't think I will stick around to see that. Gunny
  7. Ricliz, Your comment about getting the glass out of that Buick without breaking it sure brings back a memory or two. But along with those memory's also came a little knowledge. Now I have not taken the glass out of a 56 Buicks but the glazing is the same I am pretty sure. It is a pretty simple thing to get the "REAR" glass out of these cars un damaged. The rear glass in these Buicks is not like the front glass, it is tempered and thus very tough indeed. If you will follow these simple steps I think you will get the rear out just fine, and with luck not ruin the rubber or gasket itself. The system used on these Buicks is a form of commercial glazing used in High Rise buildings for a long time. It is called "Gasket Glazing" this system uses the gasket itself to not only hold the glass but to keep it in the car. To remove this type of glass and gasket : From the inside of the car pull down a little on the rubber gasket, it should be flexable enough to bend, and with a squirt bottle squirt some pure liquid dish washing soap on the inside of the gasket all the way around the gasket. Then once again from the inside while pulling down on a corner of the gasket push the glass out as hard as you can. Don't be afraid to really put some pressure on the glass as it is Tempered and very tough. However " DO NOT" use any type of SHARP tool at all as this is the way tempered glass is vulnerable, that is to a sharp tool. Also stay away from the edges of the glass as they also are very weak. The surface of the glass is very strong and you can push damn hard. If you have put enough soap on the gasket and start from a CORNER of the glass it should slide right out pretty easy. The old gasket can be used again IF a few things happen. Those few things are if when you get mad you turn Green and get real pissed, if you are a little short on the turning Green part get you a new gasket, and before you get ready to install the new glass you want to heat that new gasket a little. This will soften it and make the going back a lot easier. Also go down to your local Auto Gl;ass shop and let them explain why you will need enough 1/4 inch nylon cord to go completely around the windshield when you put that glass back in. Good Luck Gunny
  8. Hey Dale, I saw me one of those 39 Zephyrs on the TV yesterday. Seems like them folks at that Barrett-Jackson auction fiasco are selling them 39 Zephs for somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000.00 yea four hundred thousand dollors. If I had known you where that rich to own one of those half a million dollors cars I would have called you SIR. SIR!! Gunny
  9. Guy's, This old Buick does not have a lot of rust problems, but if I was 68 years old I am pretty sure I would have rusted up as well. Hell at 57 I'm sure it has already started. Now with that said there are some problems. The one that bugs me the most is the very bottom of the trunk door. Rust here was not apparent when I bought this car as it was covered with Bondo, and the magnet trick didn't work either as all four of the magnets I had with me stuck just fine. The bottom pan below the trunk also has some rot, but I have found replacement pans for this area. Making a patch panel for the two small areas of rust on the trunk itself would not be that big of a deal, however the areas are so close to the edge of the panel and so thin that any welding at all is going to burn right through the panel itself. The only other area with a pretty big problem and this one makes me mad as well, I should have seen this one. Is the area around the front bumper mounts, in this area there was an obvious attemp to hide the problems there. The area around the hole where the bumper mount itself passes through has been covered over with "Duck Tape" and then Bondo applied over the "Duck Tape". With my grinder I have dug out all of this area and the orginal problem was not really that bad, but the fix some stupid bozo used made it worse. Patch panels here will be a simple matter of just forming some sheet medal over a die and triming to fit, I Hope!! Matt, Thanks for the advice, your council is always greatle appriciated. grosell, Thank you very much for those part numbers. I am sure I can put them to use. Also for your truink floor and if you haven't been there before, Matt's web site is a invaluable source of information on this subject. DizzyDale, You know Dale if I had listened to you and a few of the other guys in the first place I wouldn't need no stinking patch panels at all, but NO I had to have this Buick. It is way cool though rust and all. I do drive it ever day now that I have it home. The collision repair idea is a good one I will give it a try. Thanks Guys Gunny
  10. Guys, is there any source for patch panels for the early Buicks ( 1937 Special )? Or are we own our own? Hows about door skins? Actually my doors are just fine but the trunk lid needs a little, well maybe a lot, of work. If commercial skins are not available any one got any ideas? Thanks Gunny
  11. I am certainly interested. Where are you located? I would say I will take it right now but your location could be the only problem. E-Mail is gunnyrs@pacbell.net Drop me a note with a little information. Gunny
  12. Guy's, Does any one know if there is a manufacturer of gear sets for these early Buicks? The orginal gearing is very low, and I would like to make this a little more user friendly. Hate to change everthing just to be able to cruise at a better speed like maybe 65. Here in CA if you go any slower somebody is going to shoot you. It's to the point I change the Buick or start packing heat. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Gunny
  13. Guy's and Gals, Is That Better Ma'am ? The Buick Odessey is now complete and done. That 1937 Buick now sets and rests in my garage. It was a heck of a trip for sure and for certain. I am out one unused Harley and now own one Buick. In the end when I got to Milton Fl and actually saw that old Buick I simply feel in love. I was sadly not able to look at it in an objective way, it was love at first site. It needs a lot of work, but not more than I am willing to do. It does in fact run very well and will not take much to make it a real driver. It will never be a 200 point show car NEVER. It simply is not in the cards for this Buick. For one thing it has the wrong owner, and the second thing is it would take a lot and I mean I lot of work to get it to that point. That never was my intention really. making a show car out of it, it was always my wish to have a driver. One that I was not afraid to get a scratch or a little dent now and then on. This old Buick now enters into another life of service, it will bve driven and driven a lot, I feel that is what it was for. There is a foot note to this story. One that I feel pretty good about. Making this trip was not easy for me. As I have stated over and over I have this shingle thing going on, the two teeth I had pulled never did really give me any problems but left me unable to eat the kind of food one finds on the road. But with all of the problems I fulfilled my personal ethics and did what I said I was going to do no matter the personal costs. Those folks in Milton Fl also really needed some help as it turns out. Unknown to me until I arrived they had lost pretty much all of there stuff in the two or three Hurricane's. There home was a total loss and complteley gone. They are living at there business a used tire shop that was not hit to hard by the storms. The had this old Buick and a couple of other cars a 1938 Nash and a couple of more cars that needed real work. All of these where for sale but they where havong a real problem selling them under the hard times brought on by the storms. They had run an ad for the bike saying it would be available to look at on this past Sat. When I finally rolled in there where 6 buyers waiting. Seems as if there is a real shortage of Shovel Head Harleys in that area. We sold the bike right then and there on the spot for an amazing $9,850. It was a nice scooter! . But it sold and every body seemed happy. Guy who ended up buying the bike desappeared around the corner and those folks had almost 10 grand in there pocket, and for once ever thing came out pretty well undeed. They sure needed that money and I feel this was a good thing for everyone concerned. To the folks that keep up with this Thanks for taking the time to read it and the respones where great, Thanks. Damn I'm glad to be home!! Gunny
  14. Before I get into the meat of this post I must make a preface: Guys, there is no way in the world anybody could make this stuff up! This little excursion has taught me a valuable lesson. And that lesson is.... real life is way more weird than fiction. Guys, and you too Shoprat, As I type this I'm sitting in a very nice room in the La Quinta Inn in Shreveport LA. Thank goodness for free Internet access. Mounted to the back of that red Dodge Ram truck is a brand new very nice 18' tandem-axle car hauler... picked up around 2pm this afternoon in Blossom TX. I am also two days behind schedule but as is the case with everything in this odyssey there's an explanation for that two days lost. As readers of this crazy "darn" thread are well aware of, just about anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Why should my departure time of 5:30am Sunday morning had been any different? My plans were in fact, as I posted here, to leave at 5:30am Sunday morning, make a leisurely four day ride to FL, enjoying the sites and scenes along the way. That has now turned into a bonzai three day foot-to-the-floor as fast as you can go trip to get there in time to pick everything up. Not only do I have Shingles and a rash that covers one-third of my back that now has turned into a rubbed raw "darn" mess but on the Saturday before I was supposed to leave I had a tooth that hurt so bad I thought it was going to explode. Finally got into the Dentist on Monday morning and had TWO teeth pulled and was in no condition to leave Monday afternoon. Finally got out of town Tuesday morning, two days behind schedule. Thus, the bonzai run. But right now I'm sitting pretty good. I've gone a little over 1800 miles and spent 3/4 of one day picking up the trailer. I will be in Florida tomorrow and will finally get to see "The Buick". jaxops, Thanks for the reminder. I now have bondo magnets firmly grasped in hand. AIK, As per your wishes, I also won't mention the Air Force. I am just about bled out though. As I sit now it looks like 518 miles to Pensacola. That's somewhere between nine and ten hours. I oughta be getting into FL between 6-8pm Friday night so AIK, along about that time if you would say a prayer for me I sure would appreciate it.... I think I'm gonna need it. Matt, In a way I wish it was that Buick but I'm afraid it's not. I will be both critical but I have never been careful about anything. Thanks again. And Matt, I've been to your website a few times and have enjoyed viewing it greatly. One thing about your website, your detailed instructions on trunk repair will make me take a "darn" hard look at the trunk on this '37 Buick. It was hard enough to read about... I don't even want to do it. Along about 7:30 Friday morning from the La Quinta Inn in Shreveport LA another day of this odyssey begins. Thanks folks, Gunny
  15. Guy's, Sense there sems to be some amount of interest in this crazy thing I have done I am going to make a post when ever I can, about some of thie going on's. But as I do this ever once in awhile I just feel the need to respond directly to someone. Shop Rat, Now son nobody ever said that a feller had to be smart to be a Marine. That certainly applys in this case for sure and for certain. The way I ended up doing this was I had this itch for an old Buick and I just couldn't scratch it hard enough. It was that instant gradifacation thing I guess. I wanted it and wanted it now, and to hell with the circumstances. Well I got my wish there boy. I had the Harley just sitting there and not being used at all, I did not have liquid assits that I was willing to spend. Got to waging a war with myself Harley---- Old Buick, Harley--Old Buick One just setting there gathering dust, other one hours and hours of pure fun and it's damn hard to fall off of four wheels. So I tendered an offer, I actually never in a million years thought it would be accepted, once it was it was too late to do anything about. Smart not this Marine!! You know Shop Rat that exact same kind of thinking is why I am physically in such bad shape, and have been shot, stapped and as PackardV8 said "Blew Up" On the day in Recon School when they had the "DUCKING CLASS"S" I said to myself: "Self, Hell man you have hunted ducks all your life you sure don't need no class about it." So I went to town on Liberty Little did I know then that those Marines where talking about a whole different kind of "DUCK" Idle Swede, I do believe that I have been called a "LIAR". No simplier way to put it just a plain old "LIAR". You know folks it takes a really --%$--%$%---&^#@$ to call a man he has never meet, or seen, or knows a damn thing about a "LIAR". I usually don't respond to vermine but this time I will. Motorcycle is a 1981 FXWG, Paint by Borget, S&S 96 inch Brand New Shovel Engine, read that again BRAND NEW, Andrews Road King 6 Speed, Primo belt drives both of them Primary and drive. CC 280 rear tire swing arm and kit including Jesse James custom built fender for that 280 tire. When I said $8,500 to $9,000 I was being real conservative and I mean REAL conservative. I was doing that to ease the pain of being a bigger jack-ass than even I would admit. Dizzy Dale, Man that is very good advice, it not only does the right thing but also keeps my personal ethics in tact. Besides it really makes sense. Thanks for advising me, your council is greatly appreciated and will be followed gladly. If you have any more common sense ideas that may help me from letting my mouth overload my butt please feel free to say so. Bill Stoneberg, Thanks for the invite, maybe on the way back I will just go through Katy just to get a free meal. I was actually born in the Piney woods of East Texas and it has been a long time since I had any TexMex. Look forward to it. Mr. Burgess, Sir Your post was most welcome Thanks, My wife is still worried about that thumb joint of yours and hope's it isn't paining you too much this morning. Guy's Thanks again Gunny
  16. Well guy's to say I am surprised would be a pretty big understatement. When I wrote that post this morning it never actually accured to me that very many of you folks would read the thing, and I never really thought that anyone would respond to it. It was just some ramblings on how I felt about not really using my head for thinking, and maybe trying to make myself feel a little better about this dumb thing I did. Somewhere in all that there sems to be a little philosphy lession. Well thats good I like philosphy, so I will try and make another point or two. Twitch, Good deal, Bad deal whatever kind of deal. I made it, ME, and me alone. I gave my word nobody forced me to do anything. I wish I had given it a little more thought, but I didn't, jumped before the door was open and the light turned green. That big Ole Red Dodge one ton dually with a Harley loaded in the bed headed for Blossom Texas leaves at 0530 Sunday morning. That is as long as I am looking at the grass from the green side, if I am looking at them damn roots Joanne will be driving it instead of me. I feel that strongly about it. JT, I do not know this man in FL that owns this old Buick. I have only talked to him a couple of times on the phone. I can only hope that he is in fact a decent guy. If for some reason ( and I have no reason to think so) he was not a decent guy that is his problem and in no way reflects on the deal that "I MADE" Guy's i did a damn fool thing. This Buick may be the best deal that there ever was. It may be way under priced and worth 10 times what I am paying for it. If that is in fact the way this turns out I sure will be surprised a lot. It probably is as the man said it is a 1937 Buick 4 door sedan that runs and is in need of restoration, but is drivable as is now. As a matter of fact in his ad on E-Bay he encouraged potential bidders to come and take a look before they bid, encouraged them to do so. He also ran that ad for 6 days and never got a single bid, Maybe that should have told me something right there. But I wanted a Old Buick was determined about it too, kinda like a kid in a candy store. Well I remember vaguley being a kid in a candy store, sometimes that candy made me sick. This may or may not turn out to be one of those sick deals, but it's a deal no matter what. Sense I am the one that started this deal I now "DEMAND" the opportunity to do the right thing "DEMAND IT". But boy I sure as hell wish this rash would hurry up and go away. Folks thank you all each and everyone for taking the time to read these thoughts. And if you are out and about next week on I-40 West of Texas or I-10 East of LA and see this Big OLe Red Dodge One Ton Dually Hauling a Harley in the back with CA plates wave or throw something would you. Gunny
  17. Regular readers of this very good forum will please excuse this rambling post. I have possible screwed up real bad and just need to share these thoughts with some REAL car guys. They are sorely lacking here in my neck of the woods. I am a retired Marine, got the heck shot out of myself a few years ago in some little pop corn fart of a place no body ever really heard of. Had to retire after 27 years, man I wanted that 30th year. Came home to a wonderful wife and have been very happy even though I miss the Corps with a passion. Over the past few retired years I have built a couple of Hot Rod 56 Ford F-100's. The last one I built was a deal from hell and the guy I sold it too was as well, cost me an arm and a leg to build that truck, got really screwed with a bad and stolen Money Order and lost my butt. Went way, way into the whole over $11,000 on that deal. Never have been able to find the guy either, well maybe one day, Huh? That truck deal soured me on the "Old Car Thing" altogether for two years. I took up another hobby "Silhouette Shooting" spent the other arm and leg buying all of the stuff Rifles, Reloading Equipment, Supplies etc, etc etc, that it takes to start a new sport.But I always missed the old cars and the folks that make this such a cool thing to do. A month or two ago I got the bug for a an Old Buick, I didn;'t care which old Buick it just had to be a 1935 to 1938 and running. I am a simple man after all. I really didn't have very much money to spend on this Newest Dream Car but I wanted it and the search began. I had a really good 1980,s Harley Davidson that I had owned for two years and had never riden not once, i simply was to broken up to scoot around on the ground again, and that always seems to happen with those old bikes. but man I loved looking at it setting in the Garage. And dreamed of the day when I was 47 and not the broken to pieces 57 that I am today, much less the fact that on most mornings I feel 87 before all of those broke parts get the blood to running through themselves again. Looking round on E-Bay and low and behold there she is "My Buick" Guy want's what seems a very reseonable $3,500, but I got no money for this, so I ask myself, "Wonder If This Guy Would Like A Motorcycle? Send him an e-mail finally get a response we talk and strike a deal. So I trade a Harley Davidson FXWG bike worth at least $8,500 and probably closer to $9,000, straight across for this broken down but running maybe jewel in the rough site unseen, and agree to drive from CA to FL to deliver the bike and haul the car back. And I don't even have a trailer, well I didn't have a trailer, as I write it is beeing built in Blossom Texas and I will pick it up on the way to FL. That only cost me another $1,700 or so, still got to buy tie downs and such. Oh me Oh my! I was talking yesterday to a shooting aquantance, not a true friend just a guy I shoot with some times. He being totally honest told me what I already new and that I was being a damn fool about this. Making this trade was really dumb and I know that "Now". It has cost me enough money that I could have bought and shipped a really nice old Buick if I had just used my head for something besides a hammer. I now have bought a pig in the poke and have nobody to blame but myself. Four days ago the wife had to take me to the Hospital. I was in such pain I have never hurt that bad before and I have been shot or stabbed over a dozen times. Turns out it was "Shingles" some sort of virus left over from the Chicken Pox I had when I was a kid. I broke out in a rash all over my back and feel like hell. If any of you guys ever even here your Doctor say the words "Shingles" and he is not talking about his roof you run like hell. This aquantence i am talking too just can't understand why I don't just back out of the deal. So I try and explain it to him. This is my fault and nobody else's. I made this deal. I went to the man in FL and offered him the trade, he didn't come to me. The man in Blossom Texas was setting in his shop when "I CALLED HIM" . Nobody to blame but this dumb Marine. He still just can't get it. So I explane one more time, I Gave My Word, Man that should be enough, damn fool or not. MY WORD Thats all any of us really have now isn't it. I'm glad I feel that way, fool or not, and I'm sorry this aquantence didn't get it. Money is all it is really when you think about, and if that is what is really important "The Money" then God help is all!! Well Guy's any body who stayed with me for all of that Thanks for letting ,me vent this I sure feel better. Even that rash doesn't hurt quite as bad right now. I leave here this Sunday for a almost 6,000 mile odessy, some would call it a fools errand. Well Maybe!! Damn I can't wait. Maybe one or two of you Car Guys will understand that. Gunny PS-- Mr. Webmaster feel free to delete this way too loooooong post. It is a little off topic and I just needed to say a few things. If you feel it needs to go thats cool with me.
  18. My scream for help is gotton a little bit is response. I posted this over on the Buick guys thread as well and they all seem very able and willing to help as well. So I will make this post overthere as well. I have purshased aver nice 1937 4 door sedan in FL part of this trade was a late model Harley Davidson FXWG that I no longer am amble to ride. I am a retired Matine after 30 years of service and really didn't take into all of those damn bullet holes interferring with that riding time, they did though and boy I mean they did. I need to get the Harley to FL and return my Buick. Getting the bike there was no problem as it fits right into the bed of my 2001 3500 Iton dually Cummins Ram pickup. Getting that Buick home in the pickup bed did not seem like to good of an idea, I looked at the U-Haul thing and cost wise that was $549 one way. Not too bad. I then looked into buying a cafhauler enroute to FL. Found a Co. in Blossom Texas that was willing to build me a trailer around my time fram and at a good prcice. So the deal is I will leave here this thurs with the bike on the truck, stop in Blosson TX and pick up my trailer, then head on opver to FL to get the buick. Thanks to all who responded and help me make up my mind about this. Gunny
  19. HarryJ, Tow vehucle is not a problem I will be using my 1 ton Ram Dually with a Cummins Diesel and 6 speed trans. I have pretty much decided to do one of two things. 1 Is stop in Blossom Texas and purchase a tandam axle carhualer new at $1,475 or rent the u-hual for $549 one way. If I purchase I could sell this car hualer to another car guy at a big discount and stll save a little over the U Haul. It looks like from what you guys are saying pulling this Buick on the ground 3,000 miles is not to wise. Thanks everyone for there advice. Gunny
  20. Guys, Many thanks to the responders. I figured I'd be able to get a decent answer if I asked. You guys proved me right. A man is a dang fool if he asks for advice and doesn't take it. Checked into UHaul carhauler one way from FL to CA $549. Found a new carhauler for sale manufacturer in Blossom TX. 18' wooden deck tandem axle for $1475. So that gives me two options. One way I get a trailer to keep. Thanks again everyone. Gunny
  21. I have posted this in the general discussion but was hoping if there wasn't an answer over there one of you Buick guys could help me. Sorry for the redundancy in posting. Just desperate. I have just purchased a 1937 4dr Buick sedan. This is a running, driving car but does need restoration. I am in California, car is in Pensacola FL. Part of the deal was a trade so I'm leaving here with my 1/2 of the trade and am going to tow the Buick home. My problem is no trailer. So a question for you guys... can I safely tow this car on the ground without removing that danged torque-tube drive shaft mess? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gunny
  22. I have just purchased a 1937 4dr Buick sedan. This is a running, driving car but does need restoration. I am in California, car is in Pensacola FL. Part of the deal was a trade so I'm leaving here with my 1/2 of the trade and am going to tow the Buick home. My problem is no trailer. So a question for you guys... can I safely tow this car on the ground without removing that danged torque-tube drive shaft mess? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gunny
  23. I have a rally guage pod for a 68 Camaro, I believe this fits all 1st Gen Camaro's. Speedo goes to 160 and all guages work perfect. Trade swap or sell. Anyone interested? Gunny
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