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Posts posted by RatReatta

  1. ooooh,is the origional fiberglass 'liner removable? is would have to be in some way right? anyone ever take it down?

    if the 'liner goes right i was thinking of adding 4 more speakers and possibly an lcd display if i can find one large enough that is affordable and then the dual 16 way seats and the reatta would be the ultimate lounge car, all it would need then was a cooler for games/refreshments.

    also, i was already thinking of glassing in the spare tirewell and behind the rear tirewells in the trunk for my subs, the box i have is kind of crappy. anyway, i think if the headliner goes well ill begin work on other things, like the carpeting on the doors and the carpeting around the centre console. i was thinking gloss black all the way around. im seeing what i can do to get away from the tan and i think im going to try to move into black and red, anyone with any extra interior pannels?

  2. if they arent spoken for i could go for the door speaker grilles over the 5.25sand the latchs on the two back compartments and floor mats, and rear speaker grilles and covers too

    i could also go for any of the interior body pannels.

  3. wow, um, actually the reasoning for the NES was that it was something simple and relativly cheep, i have an xbox, but not only has that been done its also too complex game wise to pick up and just start playing, its no "olympic running" game where you can toss out the mat onto a smooth parkinglot and get 3 other morons to run with you. nothing against the headliner?

    **also, umm, i dont know people with the expertise who could take apart an xbox like that. might be worth it to use that as my dvd player, if im gonna go with a screen i might as well go for it.

  4. in responce to the comment "its a shame you have to be 18-20 to be on "pimp my ride" well im 18 and i have an 88 reatta with 190kish miles and i could never be on the show, the reason why... my reatta is in better shape than my mothers '02 prius (toyota hybrid) and could never make the show because it is too beautiful, not a POS burned/rustedout trans-am or mustang. oh well, i could only hope, 30k into body and accessories would suit me fine.

  5. i know how when i brought up the whole supercharger idea it kind of irritated some people about ignorant car owners(thats me)but heres round two.

    my bright idea is.... to fiberglass a headliner.

    i first was thinking about how the liner in my car was kind of ratty and that i needed to see about replacing it or fixing it somehow. that thought lasted for about 2 seconds and then i forgot about it. about a week later, i was at my friends house and his older brother was catching grief over the smell he had caused. he was in the process of fiberglassing his truck's headliner.

    well, that spawned the idea of a headliner , then what made it worse was my previous quest of putting an NES (yea, 8bit) and then an lcd where my broken tape deck is. anyway, these two thoughts spawned an idea for a fiberglass headliner with spots for a screen and/or speaker mounts. that made me think about a passenger side 16 way seat (is it strange that only the drivers side is?)

    anyway, have at it and tell me where im making mistakes, thats what im looking for

  6. what do you mean "at least you are closer than greg? the best luck thing i guess is that my town "Palm Coast" the average age is somewhere over 60 so buicks are in no short supply, after i locate a suitable donor car how should i approach everything? do you know a good daytona area shop fo such a thing?

  7. i see in a bunch of peoples "signatures" that they have supercharged reattas. i was thinking about how i would love to try a supercharger but i dont even know where to begin or if it is even a good idea <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

    Don B. Maker of the first street legal Super Charged Reatta


    with your 'chargers where abouts do you place speedwise? i already know that i drive too fast and that a supercharger would probably be too much temptation but its something i want to try, i think its maybe a teenage guy thing but i get bored driving at anything under 70mph. please help

  8. great idea!, if you can round up a few people who would be interested maybe we can get as many as like a dozen people, that would be awesome, its a couple months away so planning really isnt an issue. lets see how many people we can get to commit to it and get it done

  9. anyone in the flagler, volusia,st augustine area in this forum other than me? ive seen a dozen or so different reattas in the past 6 months and i think that its kinda wierd, anyway, just wondering. i know that i live within 2 mins of a red one

  10. not being a real car wiz, or having any real experiance fixing cars, could you post a picture of what the IAC looks like/where it is? i think i have the same problem with my idle and sometimes my car "forgets" to change gears. its deffiantly not fun when it happens.

  11. easiest solution. i took the airbox out and slapped on a cone filter. that plus throttle body cleaner and my car is running <span style="font-style: italic">so</span> much better its crazy. i cant wait till my next paycheck, im going to do all of the maintenence crap that needs to get done.

  12. please list everything, color/seats etc. there are so many things i could use if theyre in good working shape, if your just gonna scrap the car im sure people would pay postage on parts and more to get it before it hits the yard. please please please have tan interior

  13. my fogs do the same thing, to fix it i just flick the people back off when they get mad about the flickering lights. my girlfriend pulled over 1 time because she thought i was trying to signal her something was wrong. oh well

  14. i was soo excited coming home from classes today. i had just finished my exam frown.gif and was driving home. i get stuck at a light and see the first car thru going in my direction was another reatta! needless to say i about killed myself catching up to the guy. i pull up next to him at about 80 (limit 45) and get his attention and scream "Nice Car!" and he gives me this disgusted look and floors it outta there. being stupid and 18 i catch him at the next light and he puts his window up. oh well, i hate it when i see someone with a reatta and theyrea prick. last time was an older guy in a red 91 convertible who acted about the same. oh well, somedays i hate stupid people

  15. yea. it sucks. my 88 has this deal where while in park it will flux from about 650-750 rpm and then be fine for like 10 secs and then do it again, also my mpg is bad. i really dont know much about cars any suggestions? the "looping" sounds pretty neat thru a serious exhaust

  16. my parkinglights come on whenever the car is on, i can be in drive and furiously hit the lights off button and it does no good, the parking lights stay on, mostly i hit them off when i get out of the car but sometimes they come back on. the problem there is that if it is daytime i dont notice. i come bach 14 hours later after work and my battery is dead or the lights are on. does anyone else have the problem or know about how to deal with it?

  17. links would be great, from what ive seen these kind of kits arent too terribly difficult to do, just really expensive and im kinda nervous about using anything "universal" on my car. my car is black now but im thinking of having it repainted to emergency orange or biohazard orange. the paint then plus the doors if i could get it done would make it look [color:\\"red\\"] hot

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