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Posts posted by RatReatta

  1. im about to begin building a CAI/RAM air in a few mins, any suggestions on moving the wiper fluid and relay box out of the way so i can get the biggest possible piping space to get the best possible air?. im going to try to use 3 inch pipes, anyone think thats too big or have a better suggestion? if all goes well ill see if i cant build another pipe to run from the opposite side of the grille to the airhose and have like a dual intake nextweekend

    the exhaust comes maybe the next weekend.

    had a stray thought

    if an intercooler makes air for a turbo cold to make it run better, and the reatta has piping for an intercooler, would it be possible to make an intercooler cool air for the engine?

    well that it for now and since you can tell i really dont know much about cars, if it sounds like a really stupid idea tell me why and educate me

    thanks in advance

  2. i had no problem replacing speakers in my reatta, the fronts fit 5.25s and the back fit 6.5s. i got sony xplodes 3 ways for the front and they were like 35-40$ a pair and i have pioneers in he back, they werent real expensive either, depending on where your problem is it shouldent be that big of a deal to replace them, i didnt know to take the rear speaker grilles off so i got to them by just pulling back the carpeting from the trunk, shouldnt take like any time. you can get the speakers at walmart. you generally get what you pay for when it somes to stereo stuff, that said, you can spend 400$ on a pair of speakers and they will sound much better but at least in my case the sonys sound more than good enough and i have a system wired in my car. and heck, if you dont like them enough, or the problem is with the wiring and not the speakers, wal mart will take anything back. pretty much...

  3. i believe but im not sure that i saw a red reatta with targa tops, i think it was an 88 like mine, it had a small hood emblem, it was rough looking, no major work but it only had the "I" of buick left on the back light. it looked like it but i only saw the car for about 15seconds in traffic then it pulled off. also, i think i remember something about someone saying they saw a "butchered" reatta in like california. something like it had custom t-tops or a custum sunroof, a big firebird esque something on its hood, and a few other things, you could search for it, i think it was origionally posted about 2-3 years ago and i asked about it like maybe 6 months ago. if you think your gonna try and do t tops keep track of who does it, i think i would be very interested, im like 6'2 and sometimes i wish i had a convertible or more head room. ha right....

    Edit:: MY GOD, IT'S A REATTA...! is the post and was made by ALF1

  4. my record to date is 2 reattas and someone complementing mine at a gas station saying that she had one "back in the day" in one day, one at the beach had its window cracked so i left a note on the drivers seat to come to the forum is ever they needed help, it was red and from michigan

  5. while this may sound funny, i noticed a big improvement by removing the stock airbox completly and slapping on a 15$ coneairfilter for like a civic. i recently began a project to make cold air or ram air by running piping from the air hose to a k&N that sits right behind the grille and mounts down to the top of where the gaurd does. i have the next three days off so i think im gonna finish it, it works but looks hedious right now, and ill post pictures and maybe a short how to

  6. fyi, at least in my experiance, crutchfield has everything but generally over charges you, you can usually find anything else for cheeper somewheres else.

    also, the sonys and pioneers are more than decent enough when theyre wired to an amp and not just the headunit. but again, you get what you pay for usually. if you spend 120$ on a pair of speakers they will probably sound better than something for 40$ a pair

  7. you can spend as much as you want on speakers. and generally you get what you pay for. i have a pair of sony 3 way explodes in my doors and a pair of pioneer 6 and 1/2s in the back

    you could go and buy a pair of speakers that are incredible and will cost you 400$ a pair

    i am very happy with how mine sound and i only spent 40$ on the sonys and not too much on the pioneers. reatta's have real potential to sound nice, i currently am running the four normal speakers and 4 tweeters (on by each normal) running off of a small amp and a pair of 10s off of a slightly bigger amp. but even without the subs it sounds pretty good, i know because i blew that amp in about a week. it kinda sucked that there was 0 bass but you can over come it. good luck

    btw, you mean an 89 right?

  8. its not exactly cold or ram air. i took the stock setup out of the car and ran ducting from the end of the air hose, thru a bendy metal pipe that has some weight and is solid(kind of like a straw). back into ducting and then into a K&N filter. the filter is on a metal pice thats used in building houses, the part that pipes go thru. i took one that i got at home depot and bent it with hammer and vice and cut it to fit. it looks like crap, i need to get better ducting, or maybe just more bendy pipe, and relocate where i have the filter. currently it is parallel th the ground facing down just at the line of the grille and the pipe runs above it and then down and then thru the hole behind the headlight. i noticed an immediate gain in "scoot" and it drives better on the interstate too. i think what im going to do is take it off and see if i cant get it perpendicular and then off to the sides, it would reduce the number of bends and it wouldnt look like crap. it cost me maybe 20$ not counting the K&N. i need a night off that i dont have other plans for, oh well maybe next week. btw, is there an easy way to move the relaycenter and washerfluid things there to make it easier to work on? i would put it back...

    thanks in advance.

    EDIT:>> Exhaust is on the list but it really isnt a project. im thinking Borla, should sound nice and work too. i wanted dual exhaust but ill have to figure that all out when the time comes, maybe a few months? i hope before the turkey Rod Run comes to daytona that i can get some stuff done. hope to see a lot of you there

  9. ha, im not the youngest anymore. reatta's sound great with the right stereo system. the alero spoilers are nice, theyre good because they look right and arent that rice/honda crap. im actually working on a few projects that might give you ideas. i thought to fiberglass a headliner and mold it to the point of holding an lcd and an additional four speakers, i mean i only have 10 going right now. you can look for 16way seats, im trying to find another one to put on my passenger side. ummm. i plan to raise the floor in my trunk a few inches and to then change my spare tirewell into a sub enclosure. also, i plan on blacking out my taillight assembly and converting to led clusters. i want to see if i can modify my headlights to make them use a BMW assembly and to get "angel/deamon eyes." i could use an RKE, my 88 dosent have one, i desperatly want to put an NEW into it. but currently im working on a ramair/cold air project. it looks dumb now but it sounds nice, i need to re-route the piping that i used. anyway, dreams are nice but you need the $ to work it out, i only have about 50$ a week extra to do neat car stuff so things happen slowly. but i cant complain, the car cost me only 1500 and ive only put 2000 in work into it and everything runs great. good luck

    btw, tint the windows

  10. like 10 posts before this there is a thread to the effect "radio in 91 reatta".

    i took a picture of what i did and attached it. btw, reatta's hold sound great. of all the people i know with systems i think my car sounds the best, (inside at least)

  11. i replaced my radio in my 88, i added a head unit into my center console. its an alpine and if i had spent another 50 it would play MP3s but i didnt need that. my friend installs sound systems at one of the local shops and didnt have any problem wiring everything to it. the origional radio is still in the car but it is not connected to any of the speakers. i dont know exactly how the 91s are set up but i cant use my touchscreen. it was a bit awkward for a week or so to have the headunit there but since then no problems.

    be warned, cd players do not like to be vertical. while it looks like the unit is straight in it had to be mounted at an angle for it to play without skipping.

    look around for people to install it, i dont know about you but as an 18 year old i have plenty of friends who know how to install a headunit normally but i would never trust them in my reatta. get an expert to do it for you thatway you have someone to complain to when things stop working. i paid 100 for someone to wirein the headunit, rewire the 6 speaker places, install new speakers, a pair of subs, and 2 amps, most shops were asking 350. basically, be smart and dont get taken. if it seems like too much then stop your reatta has only lasted 13 years without the new radio.

    if your thinking of doing something with your radio do it all at once

    i need to stop typing

  12. that makes me worry, i dont think my temp has ever surpassed 190. id say that generally im at about 180 after a half hour or driving highway speeds (70-100) and it dosnt climb much more than that, could this low temperature be one of the reasons im getting such bad gas milage? can/does it mean major problems are on the way?

    thanks in advance

  13. i dont know if theyre brighter but they certianly look brighter. my friend just replaced all of the exterior lights for his jetta with the exception of his headlights with led clusters. i had looked into doing this but its taken a backseat to my saving $ for an airsoft rifle (fancy paintball gun). i think the site my friend used was www.ledcreations.com i talked to ther guy a few weeks ago and he told me he had a 19 bulb cluster that would run i think 12$. the only problem here was... arent theyre like 12 lights in the assembly?

    well good luck. the person i talked to had the sn "Faststang70" on AIM

    hope his helps

  14. at the expense of sounding really really ... unintelligent... come on, <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> If you want it, come and get it! Expect someone to take this offer. </div></div> this offer being a free reatta?

    the car runs fine and all just nees a battery to run and to fix the door, and a window?

    heck, that might be worth flying there and driving home just for a parts car or for another daily driver to give mine a rest

  15. what did everyone decide was best to use for fogs? one of the bulbs went out and before i replace them i want to know what i should use, i would prefer brighter bulbs if possible

  16. funny brief story

    left the movies a few mins ago and when i started the car and flipped up the lights my drivers side light did this waving thing, it seemed like it didnt catch. anyway, a girl in the car next to me said "awwe its winking" and i proceded to get her number and have a date for tomarrow night. i had previously thought that reattas could not puck up girls, any other fun stories?

    side note: now i got to fix the friggin light.

  17. in my spirit of half starting neat projects i was thinking how neat it would be to get or find a way to have angel/demon eyes like from a BMW. i found a site on a cheep do it your own way


    and i found someone with it done on their bimmer


    the do it your owns look better here but the 2 BMWs i saw at the tuner bash this spring looked nice

    for all you car experts how difficult of an ordeal is it to wire a headlight setup? i had the idea to buy the assemblys of a bmw and mount them where the head lights are. i want to keep the flip up part but to replace the bulb and the gaurd so that round bulbs can be used with angel eyes

  18. ok, my objective is to find a 16 way power seat to replace my passenger seat

    i dont really worry about the overall condition of the leather or whatnot because im thinking i will see if the leather on my current seat can be transferred, its in pretty good shape. so im looking for th other serat and i know im going to have to reverse the control box i was wondering what wiring issues would arise, thanks for your help with the power and cars list

  19. sorry, forgot. what years of which othet buicks might have them? and are ther any special tricks to getting them disconnected and what wires do i need to pull from the car

    again, thanks in advance

  20. i am looking to go out to all the loocal and near junk yards to try and find an additional seat to use for my passengers side, i dont think ill find a good one with intact leather and the right color, would it be realistic to have the covers removed and put on to the new seat?? also, if i can get this is it going to be a beast to get the wiring all correct so that the thing functions right?

    i remember seeing a few people say that they had mad conversions to both seats and that it was possible, just looking for a little guidance

    thanks in advance

  21. does anyone have a picture of a dissembled or at least with the lense removed of the taillight assembly? i am looking into doing a few small projects and one is swapping or changing to LED clusters, they just look neater. anyway, i found someone who will make setups but sending him a pic should make things a little easier

    thanks in advance

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