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Posts posted by RatReatta

  1. you may just have speakers that have crapped out on you or maybe the wirings messed up, you could swap speakers side to side and the noise will change sides if its the speaker and shouldnt if its the wiring. does it crackle more when it hit bumps. are you picking up a whine noise?

  2. ill have to try the tilt ethod tomarrow, im not too sure what it is, i actually think i have a combination of atleast two problems but if that solves one i can deal with that. the other is something different. after i drive somewhere and the trip takes more than about 20 mins if i shut the car off it wont start for a good half hour. it will try to start but dosent, i have good fuel pressure and i think someone said they thought it sounded like a problem with a distributer. it will start 99% of the time when these to factors dont appear. the key thing is almost all the time and the starting problems never happens in the mornings when the car has been sitting all night or even in the afternoon when the car has been sitting in the school parkinglot all day. does the diagnosis of the distributer sound accurate? i wanna see if i cant get this fixed by labor day if at all possible

  3. good point about the number of times its been started, im getting closer and closer to 200k miles every day. umm and i was talking about the actual place you put the key in and turn it, it turns to the point it tries to start and then the whole thing sticks there

  4. good point, i agree. im actually looking at getting new rims/tires but when i got my car it had very good tires on it and i had no complaints. i just drove on them untill they arent so great so either way it probably wont make a huge difference

  5. im starting to have a problem with i guess the ingition. over the last 2 weeks my car has had increasing starting problems in that it dosent like starting. right now the most prevalent problem is when you turn the key to start it. you know how you have to turn it to a certain point and it kind of clicks and then the starter goes? well my key turns all the way and once the car kicks on you should just be able to let go of it and it would snap back. the problem im experiancing is that the key is getting stuck in the start positing which i know isnt good. does anyone know if this is a sign of a bigger problem or please just let me know i have a spring thats shot. thanks all in advance

  6. about fitting the 6 ans 1/4ths, anything can fit anywhere if you move it fast enough. alpine headunits are very good, theyre a little sketchy when you mount them vertically but if you give it something other than straight up vertical youd be fine. my headunit is in the centre console under the armrest and my car looks completly stock setup as of now if everythings closed. wiring is never fun but your probably fine if your not throwing in a big amp. i have a small amp on my mids and the regular wiring is fine. i replaced the stock speakers because 2 of the four were shot when i got the car. i used pioneers and sonys and they sound great, the tweeters and speakers make it very very clear. i have another small amp on a pair of 10's but it really isnt necessary, i blew it and for a week just messed with the tuning and it sounded fine. the 88s and 89s have the compartments behind the seats too, i remember seeing someone on cardomain with a music keg in one and a cd changer in the other. if you mount an amp a good place is on the trunk side of the pannel that folds down into the car. theres more great ideas, there were a bunch of posts about radio stuff a few weeks ago, just search it. good luck

  7. yea, hurricanes suck i live just north of daytona, exactly under that damn flight path of the storn, the first parts passing now, no room for the poor reatta in the garage so the only thing i could do was swipe a bunch of cardboard boxes from work (winndixie) and i have 2 layers of cardboard covering as much oh my car as possible. i know it wont last the storm but as long as it stays on thru the first front of hail id be estatic. if you check that Wet wet wet" radar link above i live in the small county just above daytona (DAB) lettering. im maybe... one pixel in from the ocean. ill tell you guys about my adventure night tomarrow. i guess this is gonna have to postpone my CAI project another couple of days. anyway, any other brilliant ideas you all can think of that i can do for my car?

    thanks in advance and good luck to any other poor reattas stuck in the storm.

    heh, maybe if it gets totaled i could but a nice black fiero out in orlando

  8. its been raining since before lunch yesterdat here so no luck on the car, maybe tomarrow night. still no luck. again, has anyone ever dismounted the relay box(right behind the drivers headlight)?and how much give did it have.

    thanks in advance.


  9. i finnaly got a day off and i have mon and tues off so i am going to get this thing working, i am going to walmart to buy another set of torx screwdriver bits because i cant find the tool box they were in. whe i get them im going to un mount the washer fluid and the relay centre. are there any wires or hoses coming out of these things that dont have the give to move the block a few inches or am i golden for 6? thanks in advance

  10. a decent place for a cd changer if he dosent want it in the trunk could be in one of the compartments. or if the trunk is fine o would suggest mounting it ti the trunk side of the pannel that folds down into the car, that would make it really easy to get to without having to get out of the car, like if its raining. you can take an exacto knife and cut a small slit in the fabric and run any wires down and then under the pannel that has the two compartments on it and then down into your center console where all of your stock radio stuff is. this is where my friend who knows about car electrics came in and spliced a wire and hooked the changer into my headunit (i have an alpine in the center armrest). i would pull the panel off and take a picture but we took the changer out because it wouldnot play cds 4, 5, or 6 so i returned it. if i think of it tomarrow ill go out and take a picture of how my amp is mounted (where i had the changer)

    how old is your nephew and is he going to want to put a real sound system into his reatta? make sure you know what your getting into when you plan to make changes like this, one mod leads to another and its chaos before too long. make sure he researches everything out before he buys anything

  11. padgett, i love your fiero and would be very happy to buy it from you, heck im even within reasonable driving distance, but to get the fiero i would have to say goodbye to the reatta and i dont hink that thats something i am ready for just yet. im sure youll find someone who is interested. it might be a good idea to add a pic of it with the ground effects lighting on at night or late in the evening, that would attract a lot of younger buyers attention. ill see about posting that link on some of the flordia local car forums. i bet some young kid would love a neat car to do things with and show off.

    edit>> got a posting on www.flscc.com

  12. i bought my reatta a little over a year ago for 1200$ the only thing wrong was that the engine was shot. i did a bit of looking around and found an 89 regal with 50k miles and had the engine swaped in for 750 parts and labor, since then there is nothing that i have had to fix in the car, i do a lot of small projects, usually one a weekend because i like doing things with my car. anyway, just my thoughts, if you really want a reatta it isnt too difficult to find a nice one for sale. most of them have incredibly loving owners who fix something even if they only expect it to go wrong.

  13. add water??

    i am sure i remember someone recently saying something about adding an intercooler for some reason and saying that the piping was already there

    wow, well that solves the intercooler question. i got a few things moved around today but didnt make any major progress, i know where i think that i am going to fun the filter from but i had some difficulty trying to get the filter there. one of the mounts for the gaurd that goes to the front of the car is in the way and it looked removable i just didnt have the tools or smarts to get at it. ill see if i cant get the camera out and take a pic, im sure someone knows how to take this thing apart, im gonna try and do some more on friday when i have both toolkits around, tomarrow is warped tour, noon to midnight at the orlando fairgrounds, a twelve hour punk rock concert sure will be great

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