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Mika Jaakkola

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Posts posted by Mika Jaakkola

  1. I remember seeing article on Diesel Cadillac (can't remember the year)...

    When the guy who had bought one and spent almost twice as much money on repairing it (without getting any benefits from GM) lift the car over a freeway with a crane (he owned a crane company).. It was in the 80's I think? Last year there was a diesel Cadillac? I've heard that those old GM diesel engines were bad..??

    Or was this just a joke? grin.gif A bad american car.. yeah, right... grin.gif

  2. Wayne, I'll have to admit. You're RIGHT. Friends of my age are driving, almost without an exception, with Fiats, Mercedes's, Toyotas.. well, you name it. I really want to be different. But the main reason is that I REALLY believe, that the cars made by americans are/were THE BEST. Friends of my age don't think so. Why? They have never driven or owned one. OF course, they don't even know how to change a tire.

    As you all may found out, the quality of the cars today are not the same they were in, let's say, the 80's..

    My friend just bought 2004 Toyota Corolla. GUESS WHAT!?

    He tested front shocks once by pressing the car down from the top of front fender.

    And next.. he had to call to sheetmetal repair shop, because the front fender

    had two dents size of his palms!!! grin.gif

    My brother is studying as an engineer of automotive technology (??). So he hears

    these horror stories.

    For example in Finland NEW Ford Mondeos are all painted over before they are showed in dealerships. The quality of factory paint shop is so BAD..!! (I guess the factory is in Turkey??)

    One friend had (then new) 2003 Ford Mondeo. After a year the doors were so rusted so they had to be replaced.

    I guess this is a little bit off the topic.. ? crazy.gif

    Well, anyway. I have these two books about Edsel.. "Selling the Peoples Cadillac" - this is more based on the econimical situation of Ford Motor Co etc etc..

    and also Road Test -book on Edsel by Brooklands. There's one interesting article

    from 1969 Car Life by Michael Lamm "Revenge of Edsel".

    There's picture of one college student, John Boyd, who has (had?) 6 Edsels in '69!!

    Yep, I really like the car.

    Have you seen the site where's pics from one yard in Pennsylvania with 300(?) Edsels?

    I'll have to find it somewhere...

  3. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

    You have to remember that Edsel was made by Americans... grin.gif </div></div>

    This town I live in has a big Finnish population, the largest outside of Finland actually and Volvos were very and are very common at least when they made the old "Brick" 240. A lot more Finns owned Volvos than Edsels let me assure you.

    Yes, I have always been wondering why the Edsel wasn't a success... In my opinion it beats the Volvo in any case. laugh.gif And I guess many of my friends in Finland believes the same. Of course you have to remember, that modern people today would rather by a Volvo than old-"old fashioned" Edsel. Of course, it's more logical to get a newer car with (??) less trouble etc etc lower fuel consumptin. But hey, I would rather drive an Edsel (or any american made automobile)!

    My friend also had many of those 240 Volvos.. Now he drives with an Oldsmobile, and I think he's very satisfied with the car.

    By the way.. I've seen Volvos from that era with lowered top (with 2doors.. I mean factory made). Does anyone know what they are?? Were they some Bertone -models or what (I have this feeling..) ?

    My friend bought this one recently from Arizona, if I remember right..


    It looks so GREAT!!!

    Edsel is the car that I really first fell in love with.. I don't know how I got stuck with these mopars anyway.. Well, not a bad thing though.

  4. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">lol...... grin.gif </div></div>

    Well I have to look back in time to 1973, I remember this eighteen year old skinny nerd of a kid that bought a 15 year old Edsel and thought it was the greatest thing on wheels. I wonder what ever became of that skinny kid? Oh yeah......that was me. </div></div>

    You have to remember that Edsel was made by Americans... grin.gif

  5. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know what your thinking...an 86 Volvo wagon? I know. I actually met a man who had a 68 who said if I fixed mine up that it could be. I got it as a gift from my father a year ago, now it seems to be in need of a major overhaul. Engine, trans need to be reparied/replaced for instance. He says it probably isn't worth saving. I cannot be without a car! I'd rather try to save it then be bus bound again. But is it worth saving? I would like a second opinion if anyone has one. </div></div>

    Well.. If you look at the '60's Volvos today... Are they classics..?? I don't think so. .. .

    I always wonder.. If I would live in The States, I would buy a $1000 '40's/'50's

    american car rather than japanese/european daily driver from '80's or '90's or from '00's... NO W A Y! wink.gifwink.gif

  6. Hi!

    Well, I suggest that you don't drive a single yard with the car. It's the wheel bearing. And it is in pieces. It may ruin your rear axle case or the axle ...

    Or the most horrible thing would be that you will loose the rear wheel.

    Just had the same problem with my '85 Pontiacs front


  7. OK, this an interesting question . .

    I guess everybody, even me, know who Tom McCahill is (was???)

    Is this guy still around?

    Does anyone know.

    I have watched(and read) several road-tests by him and I really like those.

    What is the story of him anyway. I have always wanted to live in the fifties and test drive those old great cars!

    Any info appreciated!!

  8. Though one.. I have always considered those '57-'65 Mopars as a whole and . . .I have had never a bad thing to say abou these cars.. Me and my brother have owned '57, '62, '64 Imperials, '62 and '65 Chryslers. Close friends owns '61 Imperial, '60 Chrysler etc etc.. OK, I know, that the 61's didn't have a frame anymore except on Imperials. But still the basic construction , like torsion bars remained the same (NOT a bad thing NO!!!).

    It's hard to say bad points because you always(as you know) have to think them as a OLD CARS, not like they have just came out of factory..

    After 30-40 years of use the generators/alternators usually need replacement like the whole charging system.

    Also those inner door handles are always those parts that are broken..



    Here's couple of shots of one '61 Chrysler that won first price in it's class this year in Finland , Forssa Pick-Nick .

  9. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hi, I am Gary Thompson, Great Grandson of H.G. Thompson president of Thompson Motor. Jack Micheals of HNI in Muscatine has sparked my interest in the car. I have little info, but would like to be in contact with you on the car.... </div></div>

    !! Now you guys are starting to wake my interest! What kind of truck are we talking about? Can you Gary post pics if you have any? Any production figures?

    Thanks !

  10. Well, I did the same.. I guess only thing what you can use is the hood, 9 louvres and front fenders-- round at the front end and check the side of the fender. It's not straight or round.. ah.. how do you say that well, check the pics.

    Closest I could get that matched somehow to Hudson front fenders 15-25 ...?

    But not the hood holes.

    But check the pics from the rear. Behind drivers back, It looks like someone has welded some panel there and there's also weldings in the rear . . I would bet that the body is home made..!! I could weld better than the guy who's welded this one (I have tried once! grin.gif ) grin.gifgrin.gif

    Wasn't there any body numbers? tags anything?

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