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Everything posted by ksparks

  1. I have a couple of early 20s and will poke around for in my stuff.
  3. interest in early 1920s MOON body parts and other items. thanks keith sparks kmstrade@aol.com
  4. looking for items that will assist in the restoration of my Auburn. sound hood sills, rear tub, extra Continental 7R for parts etc etc thanks keith sparks kmstrade@aol.com 7646 Mt. Chestnut Rd Roanoke, VA 24018
  5. thanks, i would be interested in Auburn project to include if there is no engine. also looking for 21-22 Harley J parts. thanks keith sparks
  6. I am trying to find some help if someone has some cross index material or original continental engine books. what is the year for 347-7R-50323 what is the year for 170 R 23994 ( i can only confirm the last five numbers ) I know the various models that used these engines but would like to confirm years. should be early twenties and late teens. thanks kmstrade@aol.com
  7. wanted 11,000 series motor made in the above years. All leads would be appreciated. Fit Pan American and various other makes. All looking for 1921-23 7R Continental engine fit Auburn, Colombia and various other makes. keith sparks kmstrade@aol.com THANKS
  8. stutz windshield frame for sale, if interested email kmstrade@aol.com 540-989-2773 573-15-307-6263 ( international ) looking for early twenties auburn and moon items.
  9. INTERSTED IN auburn 1922 headlights and various parts plus late teens Moon parts. thanks, keith kmstrade@aol.com 540-989-2773 573-15-307-6263
  10. Interested in any 6-51 parts or in general have an interest in all parts 21-24 ( early ) regardless of wheel base. Looking for sound windshield brackets ( windwing was attached ), wheel etc etc etc. thanks for all the help. keith sparks keith123451@live.com email kmstrade@aol.com
  11. let me know the year i have alot of original info plus we give you copies of what i have.
  12. looking for auburn of the above vintage, any condition considered, plus parts etc. kmstrade@aol.com
  13. thanks i receive the same Nigerian letters and i spend most of my time working in south america. I would give a warning to all that i had some stuff stolen plus owed money by a gentleman from Perth Australia. For the most part i have some great dealings with all Australia which cause me to let my guard down on this one. Name available if you email at kmstrade@aol.com
  14. two matching stanley thermos that fit in area behind the front seat for rear pax. patent dat 1916. came out of mr. miller collection. make offer
  15. look for 1919-22 auburn parts to include any rear body sections thanks
  16. interested in projects as indicated above. ie CASE, ROAMER, ALLEN, LEXINGTON etc etc. kmstrade@aol.com thanks
  17. Hello, i used to do that for friends overseas. I live in Colombia now working with the government but if interested i can have a family member do it from the states.
  18. For sale, 1918 7 pax body ( rough ) with doors, solid fenders and good frame. located in Alabama<P>price $2800.00
  19. ksparks

    1916 Stutz body

    need to make some space selling a Bulldog body on ebay.
  20. Advise what you might have for the above.<P>Thanks
  21. Wanted 1926 Harley JD gas tank, transmission, other parts.<P>kmstrade@aol.com
  22. two parts cars for sale. $4500 dollars, wire and wood wheels, rebuilt engine etc etc. needs lots of work.<P>call hc sparks<P>205-221-2885
  23. Hello<P>Looking for leads on a 1918/19 Stutz engine and parts. All leads appreciated<P>Keith<P><BR>kmstrade@aol.com<P>7646 Mt. Chestnut Rd<BR>Roanoke, VA 24018<P>540-989-2773<P>international 573-307-6263 ( south america )
  24. Anyor leads concerning the above would be appreciate plus other parts are needed. thanks<P><BR>kmstrade@aol.com<P>540-989-2773<P>international 573-307-6263 ( south america )
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