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Posts posted by BuickNut

  1. One thing I hope Buick (G.M. overall too..) sees is that due to the past couple of years with bouts of extremely high gas prices - they need to focus on new platforms for new niches - the Rendezvous/Aztek being a good example and good direction with better milage too. I think honestly that we have peaked out with SUV's - while they will still be sellers for a while - that wave has crested. Case in point is the Japanese getting on that and the truck bandwagon....they are notorious for being followers in design - that too is an indcator its time to lead in another direction. I wish they would look at smaller SUV's or AWD's like the Vibe...or sport wagons similar to the XC-90 (???) from Volvo (..or is it Saab ? ). I also wish they would concentrate MUCH more heavily on boosting engine power and highly increasing gas milage - we need that to keep the IC engined cars around and not be overcome by the hybrids or hydro-cell cars. I am in and out of the truck market - out mostly due to high prices and terrible gas milage (bad milage doesn't do my wallet or conscience any good). I read about these luxo-cruisers coming out with more and more high browed features and no increases in gas milage or power. Exception is the I6 in the Chevy Trailblazer...very good direction with that. I guess if you want it to drive like a car, ride like a car, and still have 4x4 capabilities - maybe an AWD fullsized car might be a better design....and might get better gas milage. <BR>Right now I have another old wagon I bought and am using it instead of my current 4X4 in non-snow/ice weather...its got a smaller 300 cu in engine, and I'm trying to squeeze the bajeeziz out of it for milage and having some success.....but I really think they ought to be looking at some other platforms that are new.....

  2. Don,<BR>I have been in and out of some of your posted threads - hard to hear that a down to earth fellow collector as yourself has hit upon rough times. The storm will pass - good luck with the weathering through it.....you're never given more than you can handle, though it seems so at times....<P>Ray<p>[ 02-11-2002: Message edited by: BuickNut ]

  3. Hey - no probs with what you bought. In todays market with all the globalization - the big 2 and little one are really just screwing themselves in the long run.... though they're also screwing their workers in both the long AND short run. The Rendevous was built in Mexico. That point vexes me - but aside from some things on the vehicle plus THAT...I would probably buy one also. Enjoy the vehicle....but just let your dealer know that you too (..if you are that is...) very upset that it was built in Mexico.

  4. I agree about using anti-sieze when going into aluminum. Just another note though - when you have parts that need extra "umph" and you can't use anti-sieze to keep the bolts from freezing into the female thread - you can use loc-tite as it performs 2 roles......helps keep the bolt from backing out and it also acts as a barrier between the bolt and the thread and keeps it from rusting together.

  5. It's getting harder, from my perspective at least - to continue buying "American" (??? confused.gif" border="0 )....for my family status right now, the Rendevous would be fantastic - but I REALLY don't want to put money in the bigwigs, CEO's, shareholders, and Mexican's pockets and totally leave out the good 'ol American worker. I really wonder with all the manufacturing, and now soon to be design/engineering work that is leaving this country - who the hell do they think is going to be able to afford to buy these cars if we're all being subjegated to working at McDonalds and Wendy's? My company is "outsourcing" more and more of its manufacturing and engineering...damn shame is all I can say ! mad.gif" border="0

  6. NTX (..not argueing with you here, just have a difference of opinion is all wink.gif" border="0 ), but I've never come across a meterial that would not stretch over time. I agree with you about not putting it in a dryer to heat it up - though I too would be inclined to try it all seemed to fail...), but if you do get the old one off, it probably has stretched a little - so it may actually be a little larger than the newer, correct one. I would, however, see about going to the parts store with the old one and get one that size or slightly larger. If the old one came off with not too much of a hassle, that size would seem to be the correct one to use given that there was still adequate amount of adjustment left in the tensioner. Too many times they can install things with ease in the plants due to the its state of build, that can't be duplicated (with ease of not mad.gif" border="0 ) in the field.

  7. ..going to add ANOTHER 2 cents to the discussion........I would agree about heating the bolt sticking out...heat it (don't get it hot enough to turn color...) and cool it quickly with water, then hit it with the PB Blaster - do this a number of times and include a hammer somewhere in the equation too..... The heating and cooling cycles may give just enough room for the PB Blaster to get into the thread joint and do its work. But I would again be careful NOT to heat the aluminum, just the bolt - and maybe use a propane torch

  8. Yeah..its amazing that there's still some old stuff out there. A looooonnnnnggg time ago, when my '49 was still on the road, I needed some new wiper blades - the NAPA counter guy/owner didn't have anything in the books, but knew that VW wiper blades would fit.......go figure !

  9. I tried both PB Blaster and Kroil...Kroil is great, but PB Blaster is still better. Keep on soaking it and hammering/tapping it. Another method : try drilling and tapping the old bolt out yourself...just make sure you don't go deeper than the shortest bolt that you took out as you wouldn't want to drill through the timing cover. I agree about not applying heat ...I tried it on a aluminum part before and did melt the aluminum...and I was going to be SO careful about not melting it ....oops ! shocked.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0 I wound up having to take it to a welder to get the bolt boss built up with more aluminum.

  10. Thanks a lot.....its very much appreciated. For kicks, I may just try and see if I can get some of the 6 volt quartz halogen lights. I'll grab a look-see through Hemmings and see if there's anything listed.....buts its nice to know that if I can't find them - I'm still doing a-ok with respect to my 70's car.

  11. You might want to check out the Hemmings Motor News website..........if it involves ANYTNING with old cars, including clubs, I would think you could find it there. Otherwise, just put "ESSEX CLUB" , or Esses Car Club, or something of the sort, into your web browser in the search area, and you should find something there....

  12. Hey Folks, got a question on the headlights on my '49 Buick Super. It needs restored, but don't recall how well the old 6 volt headlights lite up the road when I did drive it. Are there conversions over to modern 12 volt lighting ? Are there places to get "new technology" (????) lights to work on old 6 volt systems ? Or where can I get the old original lights - non used ? I'm not concerned about having the vehicle having NOS stuff, and can definately go with NORS......

  13. The worst thing about folks that DO ask outrageous prices for their cars is there is always someone stupid enough to pay the money - the one in a million ignorant yabo that wants that car and believes the line that the seller feeds him - then you have a bunch of other yahoos that point to that car as the price bench mark for their vehicle ! shocked.gif" border="0 Sorry state that this has turned from a friendly hobby to it being now full of money driven collectors.

  14. I also got mine from California Car Covers. Good cover, and good service EXCEPT make sure to tell them if you have a roof rack on a station wagon, or if you have spoilers or lower body fascia's that would require extra material to cover (they're supposed to ask these questions per their pamphlet but they don't usually - consequently I have a short cover not covering the bottom of my wagon, and not enough either to cover the chin spoiler on my '88 car....). Additionally, request about 8-10 extra grommets (you install, but easy to do) as this will enable you to put some extra bungee cords around and underneath to help hold the cover on in very heavy winds. Suggest you use nylon rope to go from the extra grommet holes on each side, and the bungee cords between the nylon rope - keeps the cord ends from scratching the paint.

  15. I don't have the details of this bill - but I will look further into it. I also know there have been bills introduced, and passed, in various states - the so called "Junker Bills" that enable the various companies (oil companies I think) to pay for any vehicle you turn in thats over 15-20 yrs old. Its intent is to get all the old smokers off the road. Well, considering that most cars prior to mid-70's are collector cars, and of those, very few are driven on a daily basis - it would seem to me its a waste of money AND effort AND results of what they're the actual well meaning folk who do unwittingly pass it actually get. I think if you look at industry, they are typically the excessive polluters. Despite being a car guy - I'm still and enviourmentalist. But I think the laws being passed are way off the mark both in intent and in results.

  16. There has been a bill introduced into the Michigan Legislature, S.B.631, that if passed, would allow the state gov't to come in and take your pride and joy vehicle, even if its out of public view (in your garage ???) - if someone posts a complaint and fills out the proper paperwork. Please contact your MI legislature (call 517-373-0170 to find out who is your legislature, this # is the MI Legislatures Gen Info line). This may or may not have already been posted on this forum - but I was given a news article that this is in the works. PLEASE TAKE ACTION ON THIS. If anybody else has knowledge of this bill - please enter into this discussion to give further news of it. shocked.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0

  17. Ok - here I GO smile.gif" border="0 ....guess I too am VERY pro "Buy and Drive American"....I just went to the Auto Show and was impressed (at times...) with what is being put out and what is on the boards (...also horrified !!). Guess its hard to stay so loyal to companies (big 2 and little 1) that are American (??) yet you can't tell if the car your buying is money in the American Auto Workers pocket...or a Mexican worker, etc confused.gif" border="0 But to get on the subject - it is laughable that a foreign make is using older American monikers for their badging...again a bit of copy cating and not being original.

  18. But BUICK (???) make a PERFORMANCE car....come on now...they NEVER did ....oh, unless you count the earlier Centuries in the 30's and 40's, and ALL the GS's with plenty of grunt and oumph grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0 . Shows they CAN do it right if they want - and with PLENTY of style. Hopefully, they see the light before that light turns out to be the same light Olds saw....the train coming at them through the tunnel ! shocked.gif" border="0

  19. Not to be a wet rag on this discussion - but Buick needs some strong lessons in vehicle body design. While it's better looking than the Aztek - the Rendezvous is their latest design venture. Given the niche that I would have thought they were targeting - the design is not nearly cutting edge enough...or retro enough (saaaayyyy...why not make it look like a '49 Woodie !!! ). Their last venture into something sporty (beyond the Regal GS's - which are pretty slick) was the Reatta..and that was a little tame for such a vehicle. Don't get me wrong - they're nice...but not for the type of design I think was needed (...just my opinion here - nothing more).

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