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Posts posted by pkhammer

  1. Will I be at Hershey? None of us can predict the future but hopefully life will be getting back to at least semi normal before Hershey rolls around. Will this virus be completely behind us? Probably not but I think by continuing to practice social distancing and taking other precautions, I think I'll feel pretty safe. Will I be shaking hands with lots of people? No. Will I be carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer or wipes with me? Yep. Will I be wearing a mask? Maybe. Even though there are a lot of people at Hershey, it is an outdoor event and I think I can keep a reasonably safe distance from others. I'm planning to be there and I hope others will too. 

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  2.  I have many boxes of Packard door edge trim p/n 457887. Four pieces to the box. I have dozens of boxes of these. $20 per box delivered to Carlisle or Hershey. Would love to make a deal on all.......





  3.   Carlisle will be coming up in two months, it'll be here before we know it! Already starting to make my list of stuff to take. I hope to deliver some parts to some of the fine folks on this forum. Shipping has gotten stupid for anything larger than what will fit ion a flat rate box!

      I hope to post photos of more grille parts, radios, and carburetors this coming weekend. Stay tuned!

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  4. 6 hours ago, 1937McBuick said:

    Yes dibarlaw,   I too have one but thought if there was reasonably priced set of grills for the 37's I may have been interested.


    Still looking for that clear lens on top of the left tail light on the coupe.


    I MUST keep telling people that because one of these times I will have told the right person.

    What does the lens look like?

  5. 20 hours ago, Terry Bond said:

    Hope everyone is keeping an eye on the thread started by PKHAMMER - "Museum Parts Collection mostly pre-war goodies" under the Parts For Sale category. 

    Looking at the responses there seems to be a natural filtration system in place - he bought a load, as has already been pointed out, much is unsorted or unidentified, so he is probably going to move it out in lots and make a reasonable amount on a big pile rather than waiting for someone with the right car to find that single illusive part he can retire on. 

    I see it happening that way a lot. Judging from the responses he is getting, it is working as he will have the chance to sell stuff in categories.  The carbs will go to specialist who can identify and move the stuff along to the right buyer.  Headlamps have created interest among several people already.  I know of the hoard and it's a lot of stuff.  I'm just patiently waiting for a few good old spark plugs to surface.  Hope he will remember me. 

    But - back to the original statement that "prewar parts are drying up" my response in - NO.  Looking into the bottom of my scotch bottle I see the future - more and more old loads/hoards will be on the market as the old timers die off or downsize.  It's happening now.  Within the past couple of weeks I've purchased some great items off ebay, and in talking with the sellers, they are doing just that - downsizing and thinning out. 

    Judging from what I'm seeing with PKHAMMER's load of stuff, the demand is there and it'll all get redistributed-some in wholesale lots-but it does find a new home, and even if it only gets moved along to another seller, it's still available. 

    Now, back to American Pickers.


      Thanks Terry -you are 100% correct in your observations and assumptions. I WANT to move these parts along to the right buyers and hopefully at the end of the day into the hands of the collectors/restorers that will put them to use. We hauled the last of it today, four of us worked our butts off! We had an entire 8' pickup load of nothing but NOS pistons! We moved shelves full of early tube type radios, NOS mufflers, etc, etc. Anybody that has done this knows how much work it is and what it costs in fuel, time, help, and wear and tear on trucks and trailers. of course I want to make a little money at the end of the day but equally important to me is that this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for many years gets to where it belongs. I'll keep the thread going and post photos as I go through the hoard. Some of the larger items will be challenging to ship but I can deliver parts to Carlisle and Hershey. I can't wait for Hershey..........:)

      I am getting quite a bit of interest and I hope that continues as I open the boxes and discover new items. Yes Terry, I will remember you if I find some great spark plugs! I am keeping a list of everybody's wants/needs that have sent me PMs and will inform people if I find something they might want. Thanks for the interest from everybody!

      As far as parts supply drying up, I agree with Terry to a point. More and more parts collections are becoming available as some of the older collectors/restorers die off. However MY concern is the demand for parts is dying off along with these older collectors. That's what I see in the bottom of my bourbon bottle!

  6. On 2/15/2020 at 5:04 PM, DB26 said:

    Sounds like what I’m interested in! 

     Going to pick up the last of the plunder tomorrow. Got a sea container coming so maybe I can get this mess organized enough to actually see what's here soon! I know there is a bunch of old tube type auto radios in tomorrow's load and some early touring windshields and many boxes of replacement pistons.

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  7. 12 hours ago, HTRD ROB said:

    I would be interested in ANY or ALL of The Mascots. I'm also interested in large quantity buys of headlights and grille shells if yall are interested in doing that. Hell, I'll buy sections based on your photos individually 😂

    I'm a younger enthusiast and collector from texas. I have a 4000sqft cl in mate controlled shop where I store everything on display. Illuminated shelving & everything! ;) I primarily collect 20s-30s Luxury cars and parts, Model A/T, and Pontiac GTO parts. Currently I have a 1929 Packard 626 Convertible Coupe, that I'm looking for numerous parts for my 1926 Cadillac Flathead V8 and a 1935 Lincoln Model K V12 (Both just engine & transmissions).


    Going through box after box, is literally an almost euphoric experience for me. To say I have an infatuation with these ole gals if our past, would be a shameful understatement.

    Please get back to me if looking to sell larger quantities, at least a collection of all of the mascots, and/or if you have any 20s-early 30s Packard parts, 1926 Cadillac V8 Heads, anything 1st Gen V12 Packard or Lincoln!








    Rob, I'll keep you in mind for Packard items as I see a lot of boxes marked "Packard". I even saw a couple of cases of paint quarts with "Packard" labels on them! PM me if you see anything you care to make an offer on.

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