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AC Fuhrman

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Posts posted by AC Fuhrman

  1. Will miss him terribly - he and Pat were more than 'car-friends' to us, shared good times and bad with them. Recently spent a couple days with him at an I-VAN meeting - so glad I did too. He was also a  great influence on my son as they worked together on an large estate project just last summer.

    Look out heaven - here comes Locke!






  2. 10 minutes ago, victorialynn2 said:

    I could write a book about the dreams I’ve had. It would mostly be nightmares though. The main themes are finding more garages with my father’s cars or trying to find help fixing them, selling them, or finding all the parts for them. ?‍♀️ Then there was the dream where I crashed one when I was trailering it to Oregon.


    I did have a couple that reminded me of going to car shows with my father when I was young. It was like having some extra time to share with him.


    He’s still hanging in there, but has no recollection of his cars and usually doesn’t remember me these days. He’s even told me “It’s okay if you tell people that I’m your dad, but we know different”. At least he doesn’t mind me calling him dad. ?‍♀️


    I am so sorry about this - so hard on the family and friends when the patient says things like this!


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  3. A friend lost a wind wing from his early roadster - (plate glass broke into a million pieces.) Luckily he still has the other side!

    Can anyone recommend a glass cutter/shop to reproduce these, (using the remaining one as a pattern?)


    I think it best to have these made from safety glass - could have been worse if it fell inside the car and broke rather than outside!


    East Coast US would make life easier.


    Thanks in advance.



  4. 2 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

    Jeff, it kills me that I cannot take advantage of this offer.  A great project but alas no room at the inn for another car and no money to restore it!  Going to try and send this to a few who might be able to handle it.   


    You should get it - a nice hobby would get your mind off work! Oh wait....maybe not...

  5. On 3/27/2018 at 7:18 PM, C Carl said:

    I dunno , Matt. The items might have left in the pockets of some who have proved beyond reasonable doubt how they roll. 


    You are actually accusing real people of stealing individual artifacts? Is there proof of this? I think this is going too far.  

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