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Everything posted by GEORGE DANCIU

  1. Thank you 1936 D2, I do appreciate the pice of information,we wish to have this info cople months ago.,..The brake line I used was bought form ESSEN car show in Germany 3-4 years ago from a profesional shop ...but for sure my next car will get the Cunnifer products from FedhillUSA CO. It's a great Forum and we can benefitt all ...any one of us may have a pice of info which can help anyone in a process of car restoration george
  2. Hi Paul, Thank you,my father in the late '50 wanted a Dodge and liked them very much ...but he never could get one, he leaved behind the eastern block and some how I made his wish come true.A little bit to late for him to see it but hope that from where he is ..he can smile. I will post a picture with my PA.tag as well. By the way I have some beautiful Motorcycles from 1938,39 German made I will post some pics.And they have a great history some of them where at the gate of Stalingrad WW2 George
  3. Jason , You have a good eye,yes the front end appears to be a little high,the engine was on the floor for quite a bit ,slowly the springs are giving in ...and also the angle when I took the picture.If you post a question : "At what age did you get your 1 ST antique car,?you will be surprised that most of us got it after the age of 50..... after you sent the kids to school,you paid your mortgage off.. and so on....yes they are our toys...and we are proud of them...NO?
  4. Hello Ply33, Thank you for following this project, was't easy ,but it made the harsh winter much easier to get through and the result is great....I went to the garage and felt funny that was nothing to do ...polishing the chrome but ..just maintenance nothing serious looking forward for the weekend... Tomorrow I will give you all the info about the tires. george
  5. And now some pictures with a early spring background-ready to roll all summer long,
  6. Hello Karen, If you have a chance please send me some pictures with the engine. Thanks,George
  7. Hello Chuck, I'm intrested in one or two, License Plates for my 1931 Dodge "1931" PA. Do you have any ? from this year ? Thanks, e mail georgedanciu@hotmail.com George.
  8. Well, The fact that I just finished my winter restoration project my first concern was to get on the road and to see how the 81 y.o car is running. At every stop light a lot of questions along with compliments. A couple of nice pictures taken and happy to be outside in a company of a great piece of history. Hope to put some miles on and to enjoy the driving throughout this summer
  9. Please send some pics at: georgedanciu@hotmail.com The comments about the crayons I think are so true and so are the people , let's take them as they are ....only God will change them .......or HE will place them in different boxes.... Thanks Keith thanks
  10. Hello, Is this car steel available ? please send me a quotation $$$ at georgedanciu@hotmail.com Thanks
  11. Hello Chuck, Please send a picture at: georgedanciu@hotmail.com
  12. Please send some pictures at: georgedanciu@hotmail.com Thanks
  13. Hi John, Every time a car is saved and placed on the roads seems like we saved another one.......I'm glad for you,looks like you are very motivated to complete this project,and believe me what a relief and pleasure to get something done after some time of " hibernation" as you mentioned. Today I felt such a satisfaction for a job well done specially when I drove it today under a nice sun and beautiful weather. New pictures to inspire and to motivate those who love old and beautiful cars. Good luck to all
  14. Hello Guy, Seems like this person belongs to the famous group of people "Always starting Never Arriving" with so many projects started, his cars will end up like the 34 coupe... George
  15. NO Thank you, for this type of project.....will be way over my head.....I don't know if a professional garage would start a restoration project " combined with blackberry jelly ...... It's as-heme that this types of vintage cars will end up into scrap, melting ......
  16. You guys are right they do not make them like they use to and I feel that we save a little bit of history when we bring this cars back on the road. Thank you for the compliments. After we spent almost 7 months restoring this car ...we are looking to something else ..probably we will start a new project in the fall and we will enjoy the summer driving the DB.....
  17. We just pulled over to check the oil and to inspect the engine ...everything was OK.
  18. After spring checkup and full ground-up restoration, I took the car for the first time for a ride.Over two hundred miles and a little bit of rain we arrived home ...no problem at all..an average of 45 m/h got me on a highway and I'm very happy. I changed the oil and I'm looking forward for longer trips.
  19. Hi John,I do have the original one but I did not like the way was fitting and I ask a friend to replace an inner part and that why you do not see the ram..In the next pictures you will see it...is fixed. I like your car too is all original and complete..that is the most important think as far as I'm concerned.I sent you a mail.
  20. Today I finished the last touch on my DG-8 and I'm planning to take it for a long ride on Sunday...the forecast is good .I polished all the chrome ...hub caps,mirror arm,front and rear bumpers,head lights , cowl lights.... checked all bolts and nuts ..the generator is working and charging ....
  21. Hello Scott, Did you find your door sills ?
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