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oil filter sticker

Guest 1930

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Hello, this is the original oil filter that would have come on the 29/30 DA Dodge, this is also the correct original sticker that would have been on it, I am hoping that someone out there has a better example that they might photograph for me so that I can have a duplicate reproduced or at least provide me with measurements for the sticker. Thanks for any responses...Jason


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  • 1 month later...

Thought I would bring this topic back to the top.

The Master Parts List lists the Oil Filter Assembly as being the same for the 130, 131, 140, 141, 2249, 2251, 2252, DB and DA, with the part number #211380 and the notation (purolator). This would make it the same for the Victory, Standard and Senior Sixes as well as the DA. Someone must have a source for the correct decal on the filter housing. I can find the round and oval decals, but not the more "square" one that is seen in the photo. Any help or information would be appreciated.

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same for the 130, 131, 140, 141, 2249, 2251, 2252, DB and DA, with the part number #211380 and the notation (purolator). What do these # mean???? Anyway even if there is no source for a repro if I could just get someone that has the same to take pict. and maybe dimens. of theirs so I can have one or two reproduced that would be great.

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The Model Code 130 and 131 are for the Model Name for the Victory Six for the year 1928.

The Model Code 140 and 141 are for the Model Name for the Standard Six for the year 1928.

The Model Code 2249 is for the Model Name for the Senior Six for the year 1927-1928.

The Model Code 2251 is for the Model Name Senior Six for the year 1928.

The Model Code 2252 is for the Model Name Senior Six for the year 1928-1929.

The Model Code DB is for the Model Name Senior Six for the year 1929-1930

The Model Code DA is for the Model Name 6Cyl. for the year1928-1930.

This information was taken from the first page of the Dodge Brothers Passenger Car Master Parts List. According to page D-10-1, under the heading of OIL FILTER, subheading OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY it lists the given (as mentioned above) Model Codes and the part number #211380. So according to the Master Parts List the oil filter assembly was the same for all of these models, and all should have the same decal on the filter housing. So those that have a Senior, Victory, or Standard Six should all have or be in need of the same decal. And if they have done a complete restoration they may also have a source for the decal. If my reading and interpretation of what the Master Parts List says is in error, could someone please elaborate. Thanks again for your time, Joe.

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Very Good explanation, I am stil looking into this and when I come to a conclusion will let you know, it would help to know what other vehicles were offered with this oil filter, I am sure that it was not solely used for Dodge. I am trying to get the Packard guys to look into it for me, I have heard they used the same filter and that they even have a round or oval reproduction, while I am not interested so much in either of these versions as mine was square I am thinking that maybe the info on it might be the same, I have posted the question on a Packard Club Website and although I have not had any responses that have led me any closer I have had three responses from Packard people that just wanted to help, soif I could only fill in the blanks on mine that were illegible than I could have one made that would be nearly identical in every way to the original piece. Thanks again for the info...Jason

I have contacted the tech advisors for the standard six and the victory six via e-mail tonight and will place a call to Canada and try and reach the senior six advisor for the D.B club and see if any of them can lend a hand, surely someone out there has some info on this, I mean are points being deducted at the shows for not having an original sticker, if they are not then I think someone should enlighten the judges

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It was just a joke, a play of words because it amazes me how much many people claim to have such perfectly original cars even to the point of withholding info from their cars just to be able to brag that they have something that someone else might not have and then even worse when something new is brought to ther attention they disregard it as false or wrong for the application that is referenced because it simply would be to much to bear the facts that some dumbo like you and I were standing in an assy line in 1929/30 putting these cars together and they did not give a rats [censored] if this sticker or that sticker happened to make its way onto the can. Just trying to have some fun and do the best job I can.

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Maybe someone that has a Standard, Victory or Senior Six might be able to post a picture of their oil filter tank to help out? I am sure having something to compare it against would be helpful. Where are the Victory and Senior Six owners? Your help is requested.

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I received this mail from the Victory six tech advisor the other night, he said...Came from an early Purolator unused-new-in-the-box-said-to-be-Victory-application filter which is sitting on a trophy shelf right here in my office..........I have not seen the filter, not sure how the picture came about that he sent me, I would have liked to pbviousely see the sticker on the can. Either way it does not match the sticker that was on my unit. There are prob. very few of these original cans still around so I kinda figured that my request of seeing another sticker could not be filled easily. It will just take alot of time and research to MAYBE get what I am after. Anyway thanks for everyones interest and I will keep it updated as I find out more.


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I received this mail from the standard? six maybe tech advisor and my reply to him I have also posted here, will keep everyone updated, I know there are many Dodge Brothers out their losing tons of sleep over this.

Good luck with your search, any good sign maker working in vinyl will be able to do that decal, however 1 will be the same cost as a 100, and IF that is indeed the correct one, and there is variations of it, it isn't correct for the standard six or the victory six. other car manufacturers perhaps, but not dodge

Can you show me what is correct for the standard and the victory six? Do you have an original oil canister for either of these cars or at least a picture, I was sent a picture of what I was told was an original sticker for these cars but the picture was poor quality and there was no canister to show. You say that it is not original and I am wholly willing to accept that but I would like it proven by someone to show me what is original on an original canister so that I can put this to rest

and here is my request to the victory six guru, lets see what he comes up with

Hello xxxxx one last question and you will never have to hear from me again, is it possible that you send me a picture of that original oil canister with sticker showing that is on your trophy shelf in your office? We are having a long drawn out discussion over this on the AACA forum and your picture may put an end to any doubts that anyone might have ( not likely ) Thanks

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  • 11 months later...
Guest 28SeniorSix

Jason (1930)

I just recently started using this forum and happened to come across this topic from last year. Can you do me a favor and post a full view picture of your Purolator filter. The picture you originally posted only shows the sticker portion of the filter. I believe that filter might have been used on my car also. The only picture I have of the original oil filter for my car is a grainy, black & white picture of the engine from a sales brochure. I can't see any detail of the oil filter. I know I am on "mission impossible" to find that oil filter, but it doesn't hurt to try.

I have a 28 DB Senior Six, 4-dr sedan, model 2249. It currently has the WIX #51035 oil filter. My DB Parts List for the Senior lists an AC oil filter (#200326), However, the DB Master Parts List (final edition, May 1934) lists two part numbers for the oil filter assembly - #211380 for Purolator and #519407 (no brand noted, might be an AC). Thanks, Ken

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Yes I will definately do this just give me till the weekend to have time,long day today. I will post a couple of pictures and maybe also the sticker that I reproduced from info that I have collected over time on this. Took I am my wife more time than anyone would prob. believe but it is done and is very good.

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I am not sure if you still need these pictures but here they are, I am thinking that the picture posted by gundog may be a photo of an A/C filter as it does not look like any of the purolator filters I have in my catalogs, if that is the filter you are in need of info for than I cannot help as I know next to nothing on A/C filters although I do have a couple of great pictures of the oil filter stickers that were used on some models in 29/30. Anyway according to my books your senior six would or could have used a Purolator SA-2 filter which is what I I have pictured here and which contrary to some catalog info that I have was also used on DAs. I have also posted a picture of the restoration/conversion that I do to these filters to make them functional. The original bands were a good inch wide and clamped the filter in the middle hiding the split. Let me know if i can help any further, the bottom and tops are identical with the exception of one is marked inlet and the other outlet.




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Guest 28SeniorSix

Thank you for posting the pictures.  Did the Purolator SA-2 originally have a replaceable filter cartridge inside the canister or was the complete canister replaced periodically?

My Operation and Care manual states that the filter bag should be replaced at least once a year.  I am guessing this refers to a "bag" inside the filter canister and not the canister itself.

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Thank you for posting the pictures, it looks a very neat and tidy conversion. The picture I poster came from an original copy of Dodge Senior parts list that I bought in the USA. The part number 200326, is the UAS filter, the a/c filter was for export cars( which my Dodge is)

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Guest 28SeniorSix

Gundog99, I purchased a reprint of the parts manual you mentioned. I found the illustration you posted on page 79 in my copy of the parts manual. Unfortunately, the reprint I purchased is missing 8 pages. Would you be willing to provide me with copies of those pages from your manual?

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The Purolator SA-2 did not have a replaceable cartridge inside, the entire filter would have been tossed after 8000 reccomended miles and that is why they are difficult to come across. If I can help any further let me know.

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