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Hershey Vendor

Guest Model T Nick

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I was at the TP Tools tent in the Red Field. What else was the vendor selling besides sheet metal model vehicles? There was a guy next to us selling slate paintings of antique cars and he had some other items on his table, but I didn't notice what they were. If you describe the location in relation to the TP Tools tent, I may be able to check my show book and try to figure it out.


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Model T Nick,

I just checked my Hershey 2006 Booklet and here is what I found (all in Row RNH):

Tip Tools RNH row location is: RNH 56-63, starting at the open corner of Row RNH.

Starting at the open corner of the Tip Tools tent (at Space RNH 63), the space numbers get smaller.

Starting at Tip Tools, row RNH runs from RNH 63 to RNH 1, so you have 63 spaces to search.

Paul's Chrome Plating is located at RNH 43-45.

There are two dealers listed in the Hershey 2006 Booklet under "Toys" in Row RNH:

RNH 41-42 (just next to Paul's Chrome Plating location of RNH 43-45):

Bill Walls of Columbus IN.

RNH 35-36 (also close to Pauls' Chrome Plating):

James Ryder of Wilton, ME.

You may be able to locate either of the above through a Zaba Search, or by consulting AACA, if they provide such a service. Hopefully one of the above is the one that you are looking for.

Fred from TP Tools (Tip Show Sales, Inc.)

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