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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Guest Tammy

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Oh you guys crack me up! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />! Everyday someone is thinking up a new way to convert the reatta into something unique!

I have my money on F14 to be the first to make his Reatta fly and float like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Vincent, I transformed mine into the same thing. It was not difficult, the hard part was finding a Reatta that looked great but was not maintained at all. My bet is , the former owner did not even buy gas, probably siphoned gas at the mall late at night.


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Guest F14CRAZY

I think my coupe's kind of the opposite...paint's not the best and all, but the drivetrain's tight.

The Reatta is a great car. I can't remember who said it, maybe spyhunter, but the Reatta is not the finished product. Its a great place to start though. There are plenty of other cars to be supercharged and to have larger brakes, etc, but to me, the Reatta's the most worthy.

Ask Brian, we've come up with things like an ejection seat <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />. But I'd rather save the car than myself <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

BTW, guys, if you have AOL Instant Messenger, fell free, F14CRAZY.

It helps that I don't see myself selling my coupe, so I can go ahead and do whatever mods I wish without worrying. I'm trying to do things good enough to suit others though, if you know what I mean..trying not to cobble up stuff. Like if you've seen under my hood, I need to redo a couple things to make things "right" like the power steering resevoir and my air intake. I have the winter to work on it though.

When you don't intend on selling a car, like ever, you see repairs differently? Struts? CV shafts? Transmission rebuild (or retrofit?). Why not? Northing's insurmountable, when it's forever.

"Insurmountable" has become one of my favorite words regarding my projects. Or so I've used it like "that's not so insurmountable". Supercharger project: I didn't mind any part. You can talk to many people that own cars and they wouldn't try changing out a fuel pump. I've done it several times, twice in my coupe. Maybe not the funnest work, but so what?

Planned transmissio swap. Put a 6 speed manual with a motor and a car that wasn't made for that? When you have at least an idea of what you're doing and how to do it, you just do it.

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I´m considering making mine into a semi-replica of GM´s RWD prototype, complete with Vette IRS, 5 or 6spd stick, and a turbocharged built-up 3.8. Oh, and some form of car-puter (thanks F14 for the inspiration!) Can´t quite figure out how to control the peripherals (primarily climate) if I gut the stock instrumentation and ECM, but I´m sure something will turn up. Once I actually have a garage to work out of, this´ll get out of the planning stages but for now it´s just research time.

Crazy? Sure. But it´s been done before <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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