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Survey of Bugle Readers

Mark Shaw

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I just want to bring attention to the inside cover of the July Bugle where the BCA board asked Pete Phillips to do a survey because "some board members feel the magazine is too oriented towards the older cars (pre-World War II)".

I don't want to influence anybody's opinion here, but I do feel compelled to encourage PWD members to respond to this survey. I only hope that when this issue is properly weighed, our board members consider that the remaining population of prewar cars puts the PWD membership in an extreme minority position relative to the number of post war cars in the BCA; yet our contribution to increasing BCA membership has been significant.

Mark Shaw

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Mark:

An observation: There seems to me to be a better way for all members to decide what the content of the Bugle is other than a survey. It's this: WRITE UP THE STORY OF YOUR CAR, TAKE PICTURES OF IT, AND SEND THEM TO OUR BUGLE EDITOR! In the absence of this kind of member input, let him use the thousands of pictures he has PERSONALLY taken, write about the cars he likes and share his wide-ranging love of Buicks with all of us!

Regards, Dave Corbin

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I agree with Dave. I was impressed with the info on how to send photos also . The membership should realize that the older Buicks are becoming more and more scarce at the National meets. the PWD is trying yo rectify this situation, and many like Mark are commited to driving the older Buicks. i admit to being spoiled by AC and automatic trannies, but they are an inspiration to me.

The PWD is having a group drive from Flint ,and I will be part of it (much to the chagrin of my wife) because we will be driving our 40. Brian heil is leading us with his 1923 model 45, and I would like to see more of the older Buicks recognized in print. Dave's idea to send in a story is a GREAT one. Hopefully the PWD tour after the national will be documented and sent to Pete.

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I'll read it when I get home and respond but I think this matter (if I understand it correctly) is easily remedied. Have a pre-war article and a post war article in each issue. It really is broader then that if you want to know the truth. I am 42 years old, technically a young un' when I suppose, the average age of the BCA membership is around 62. Cars from the fifties are the most popular cars in the club right now and as those members age the mean average number will always increase.

I happen to like the pre-wars but also appreciate that most of the guys and gals my age do NOT. Take the Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) It is predominantly a post war club and I would even go so far as to say it's predominantly a 64 to 72 Cutlass 442 club.

There are 2 major concessions the Olds folks make - one is a group created by the founders of OCA - the Antique Olds Club of America and 2. special sections in the club magazine for unique Olds, such as the Toronado.

Rather then randomly trying to go back and forth in age of vehicle covered, I think the club magazine should be all-inclusive. Have a pre war article of some sort, a post war coverage and a modified. Have divisional or special chapter folks (such as Reatta) chime in monthly with a column in EACH Bugle, not just an article per year.

But what do I know. Those are just my thoughts to broaden the appeal of the Bugle every month and maybe get a few of the modern car collectors (under age 40) to join and maintain membership.


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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am 42 years old, technically a young un' when I suppose, the average age of the BCA membership is around 62. Cars from the fifties are the most popular cars in the club right now and as those members age the mean average number will always increase.

But what do I know. Those are just my thoughts to broaden the appeal of the Bugle every month and maybe get a few of the modern car collectors (under age 40) to join and maintain membership.

Jake </div></div>

Jake, you old fart <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I don't have mine yet, so I can't really speak to the questionnaire. Since I have started collecting old cars (Javelin first, then replaced it with the Wildcat), I have been a member of general interest local clubs...this has really helped me to gain an appeal for the older iron, to the point that I now own one. At first, I was a young fella interested in going fast...that has changed.

I have really enjoyed the change in pace of the Bugle. That being said, some of the older members may have consciously moved from older to newer (i.e. 50s) Buicks for some of the creature comforts. That being said, I like the idea of a variety of articles in each Bugle to appeal across the spectrum of members...for instance, I have some difficulty with a modified issue of the Bugle. I can appreciate modified cars, but I'm not big on them...I don't mind perusing an article, but I get tired of it if it is the entire Bugle. I would imaging the modified folks would have similar comments to make in the other direction.

The quality of the layout and writing and obvious passion Pete has have really made in improvement to the Bugle...I'd hate to tie his hands too much as the Bugle would either get more ho hum or he'd give up...that wouldn't be good.

Anyway, I've blathered enough. Take care all.

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Guest rwolf

I would like to say that I am part of the "over the hill" gang but am a new owner of a 24 4 cyl touring in need of restoration.( I always seem to have a new problem and am seeking help) I am also a motor head interested in all sort of mechanical information. So my needs primarily are the restoration of my car but I also enjoy articles dealing with later models. It seems obvious, the answer is to do like other clubs and have an article for pre-war and another for post-war.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Derek, others -

Did the subject of the Bugle content come up in the National Board meeting? I was at the Salvage Yard.


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Guest imported_Thriller

It all seems so long ago...I was a few minutes late and stepped into a complaint session about what went wrong...there was some discussion regarding membership (i.e. we've dropped about 10% since 2003, how do we get young 'uns in the club, etc.)...I honestly don't recall anything about Bugle content per se. There was some discussion about whether or not a National should be required to have 400 point judging...apparently it is in the bylaws, but the Buicktown Chapter seems to be able to get around that.

Pete was introduced at one of the events I was at - he got considerably more rousing applause than any of the others introduced at that same event...just don't remember what it was...sigh...must be getting old <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

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