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Re-printed date of manufacture sticker on the driver?s door?


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Is there any possible way to obtain a re-printed sticker for the driver?s side door which lists the VIN #, date and country of manufacture and the tire recommendations? My daughter has pulled it off and lost it.

I know this is trivial but curious all the same.


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Depending upon what specific vehicle you might have, I have seen some from the restoration vendors for older vehicles (i.e., musclecars). The tire pressure/recommendation sticker can possibly also be found from similar vendors OR possibly from GM parts (in the catalog section for "labels" and "cautionary labels"). Again, it will all depend upon what model year the vehicle is as to where you'll need to look.

Once you might get the VIN label, then you'll have to figure out how to duplicate the font used on it by GM. THAT could be a large issue in itself, plus some states might frown upon anything with a VIN being reproduced and attached to a vehicle, even if it's all legit. Yet the main VIN they'll get excited about is at the base of the windshield PLUS any such tag anywhere else on the vehicle (usually in the lh front door frame area).

Just some thoughts,


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