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fuel pump interchangeability for 1961 Olds 394


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I've looked all over for a fuel pump for a '61 394 engine. Struck out at NAPA, O'Reilly's, Auto Zone, etc. who either didn't have one and couldn't get one or whose books only went back to '62 or '64.

Can someone tell me which later year Olds fuel pumps, if any, will work on a 394?

This is a non-power car.



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My '63 parts book shows '61 and '62 the same. '63 is a different number. I would imagine '64 is the same as '63. I think the difference is that '61/'62 is a fuel and vacuum pump. I think for '63 they eliminated the vacuum part and went with a vacuum storage tank instead. I bought one a few years ago for my '62, but I don't remember where it came from.

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Thank you for the responses. My Hollander and one other book both say '61/'62 are the same and '63/'64 are the same. I'm watching Ebay and there are several supposedly '61 or '62 pumps on there but none of them look like the one on the car. One of the '59/'60 pumps looks closest. It is a vacuum pump with a rubber line going into the firewall (to the wipers I assume?) and a hard line going to the back of the carb. It is a wierd looking dude for sure. When I unbolt it I plan to have a stick in the other hand in case it leaps at me!

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