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Hershey Judging

Jay Wolf

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I would like to give credit and praise to the Hershey judging administration this year.

From the time our captain went in the Giant Center it was less that 15 minutes when he returned with our chips.

We were totally done with judging by 11:00 and we didn't start till 10:30.

Once again "Great Job" and a real improvement from last year.

Keep up the good work.

Parking is still a problem, but I think they do the best they can with what they have to work with, the rain causes the real problem.

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I totally agree. The elevated signs behind the check-in tables were very helpful. It also appeared that the classes were mixed so that not all of the smaller/larger classes would be in the same line to check in. It took me almost no time at all to turn in the paperwork to the wonderful people in Admin. and get the chips from Brenda and return to my team.

A very positive experience.

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Guest imported_Brenda Shore


Thank you for your kind words and on behalf of all of us in Adminstration, thank you for recognizing and appreciating the changes that have been made. Hershey is definitely one of the 'most fun' meets of the year, but also the most hectic. We never know, due to weather, how many judges or cars we will have.

Randy and Hulon have put a lot of time into making improvements and are glad that it shows.

See you at the next meet!


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The new system was nice. The only thing slightly negative I heard, was the sign caused a little confusion for some. I know I had a hard time finding which line was mine but did so sucessfully. My suggestion would be either use the team numbers OR the class numbers, not both, which made the sign crowded.

Definately a huge step in the right direction. cool.gif

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