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New 1959 Buick site


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Guest invicta592

For the benefit of those who's curiosity may have been aroused by Hans' post, I've been hard at it learning web site stuff (the hard way!) following on from discussions in the 1959 Buick Addiction thread, and over the last couple of weeks have put together a forum/gallery based web site which I hope will become a repository for 59 Buick information. I still have along way to go, but think its almost "ready to go" as it is, with refinements being a continual process.

I have made the forums and galleries require registration (free) in order to view, as well as post. I have scanned some Buick literature, and road tests, and have plenty more to get done and put on there.

This is not intended to distract from the AACA/BCA forums, but to be a focal point for anyone looking for information about '59 Buicks, with links to the BCA and the AACA forums on the site. At present there is only limited access for testing purposes, but I will be enabling the site tomorrow (providing that further tests don't reveal any major flaws!) and you will be able to see the results of my efforts (no laughing at the back please). I will update this thread and place one in the general forum once the site is opened.

As I'm already typing I'll take the opportunity to thank all the 59 owners who have offered to contribute, and support this venture.

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Guest 1964 225 Roadster

Hurrah for your fine volunteer efforts!

That's what makes the hobby work. Without volunteers, there wouldn't be much of an organized old car hobby. (In other words, there's no money in it, but we all love it!)

I am anxiously awaiting a chance to view the first stages of your efforts. And I promise not to laugh.

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Guest invicta592

Okay... as indicated yesterday, I have made the site available.

http://www.buick-59.com is raring to go. Please feel free to register and have a look around the site. Please bear in mind that it is early days, so don't be too disappointed if the site is not swimming in pictures and info right now, but from small acorns, etc.....

I'd appreciate hearing your comments - good, bad or indifferent, either on the forums, on this thread, or by email.


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