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Beware Sellers

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I have been trying to sell my car on here and have gotten one response from a Patrick Prso dont know for sure if he is trying to scam me or not but it sure sounds liker it. He said that he would buy the car and wanted more info on it so i sent him some pics and the selling price, said sounded good. 2 days ago i get another message from him wanted to know the selling price, now all that was in the first message, but i thought that maybe i would give him a beter price,So once agin i gave him the price. Today i received anohter message from hinm stating that he would buy the car unseen,but he also said that like he told me before that someone else will pick up the car. Well we have never talked about picking up the car as of yet. All( and this gets good) I have had to do was send him all the info on where to send the check, so he can tell his client that owes him 3,500.00 where to send the money, then all I have to do si cash the check take out my selling price and send the diffrence to his "shipping agent" who will then get in touch with me on when and where to pick up the car. this will all take place as soon as i send him all my info--- yeah right like this jughead thinks I am going to do it that way. Does this sound right? Just wanted to let everyone know what is going on. trying to track this guy down so he dont take some poor soul out of his money, if any one knows this guy or has any another info on this matter let me know


Melvin Schwentner

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Same A-HOLE tried sent me an email, I 1st sent him a picture of a 80's Cadillac for a goof, and he still wanted to buy my 70 T-bird...LOL then I sent him an email that I liked his offer and would accomodate his request as long as he sent $200 cash in the envelope as well as the check, because I had fell on hard times and needed the money to pay the check deposit/cash fees at the bank.

He didn't write back

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this sounds like a typical scheme that is attempted by oversea buyers

they always have a client that they do business with..or they "represent"

The scam goes like this..the respondant will appproach you with a offer above your asking (selling)price--stating that he needs to send you this extra money

to faciltate the sale, or the shipping of the car...He will ask you for permission to send a OVER SEA CHECK-- with the added funds to be returned via Western Union..immediatly--which he/she will claim the shipper needs before the pick up of the car---DONT DO IT..ONCE YOU hand WESTERN UNION $$$$ ---its history..YOU have to aware of this scam..E-BAY HAS BEEN TRACKING IT FOR YEARS..AND THEY CONSTANTLY prompt their regular customers to beware...I sell cars. campers..parts on ebay and currently have a perfect rating at 100% I have approached many times by Oversea buyers/agent with the disposable email address's..Ebay has a way of blocking these perps from buying and or bidding..But YOU HAVE to be the vigilant one..and be aware of it...dont buy their line of BS *** Now in closing let me state tha not all over sea or state-side buyers are involved..I ship parts and have on occasions shipped cars oversea..with never a problem...

Check your respondants ebay rating (if he has one )

James Keenan BCA # 451 easley s carolina

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats so funny. I won the International Lottery five times this week.4 from Great Britain and today Ireland. Still waiting on the money to come in. It amazes me on how crafty people think they are. I reiceve at least 10 or more e-mails a week from Africa where a relative has died and want me to share in their wealth. ALL they want is my Bank account #'S. Ya right. I have to empty my spam folder once a month from all this trash. Boy it felt good to get the off my shoulders. Have a great day, Ron

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  • 2 weeks later...

you will never guess what i just found on the internet.its a secure website that has all the scam letters for anyone that wants to use them..its really a hoot what some people will do..i am currently supposed agent for a mining company.lol just waiting for them to give me my first assigment...called the fbi and they said to play along until a money transfer is suppose to take place then let them take it from there.

want to see all the scam letters and lotteries email me and i will give you the link..just for your amusement...

oh yes the little boy from africa that we were going to adopt.....he only needed 2,000.00 to get his paper work done.......yea right.

ken sams


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