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1973 Electra Will Not Run


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Having a problem with my 1973 Electra - it started out that the car would run real rough when the bright lights and fan were on - then it got progressively worse. Now it will start, run fine for about 5 minutes but wil then stall.

I have an engine analyzer and it is showing no trouble spots. I replaced the points, condenser, cap and rotor, and the wire going from the coil to the distributor. In addition, I put on a coil from one of my other cars. I even swapped an alternator, since the problem first surfaced with the lights on or the additional electrical load.

Any ideas - timing is good, it is getting gas. I'm getting consistent voltage at the coil. Again, starts fine - runs until it is warmed up and then quits.

Getting frustrating now as I can usually diagnose my own problems

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Hmmm I'll admit ya got a tough one there. I am thinking the load on the electronics is just an additional observation, a car under heavy load electronically usually will idle slower and thats about it. Since she starts right away then gets bad after it warms up, something has expanded to cause a problem or since the choke is off its running too lean for one reason or another. Have you got a tank of bad gas? I had the exact same thing happen to me on the road. What a fiasco getting the car home. It would idle fine but once ya gave it gas it would backfire and die. I cranked up the jets, set the idle high and managed to nurse it home. Hope this helps.

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