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Headliner / Windlace and what not...

Guest Mr. Solutions

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Guest Mr. Solutions

OK, I've finally tackled the inside of my Beast, a '51 41D. I truly wished I hadn't started...<P>She is now almost totally gutted on the inside, with the exception of the 2 side pillars (between the front & rear doors, and the headliner, including the windlace...<P>(See picture)<P>Taking it all of is easy, I mean, I can just literally rip it all off, but this poses the very interesting question of how to reverse it all when the time comes, so I would rather do it the proper way!<P>I started tugging on the 2 pieces between the 2 doors, and as it appears there are no screws, I assume they must be affixed by means of some kind of nail. I started prying with a screwdriver, and managed to losen them a bit, & it appears my nail theory is correct. However, I reached a point where I started bending the metal itself, without dislodging them any further. Is there a trick to get them off?<P> Image60.jpg <P>Also, how do I remove the windlace & headliner / hangers? (I do not need to keep them so ripping will work). However, I would like to be able to put it back up again with new stuff... Is there a trick to get the windlace out, then to remove the hangers? I have to admit I am completely stumped on this one!<P>Also, I need some advice on taking off the special retaining springs that keep the door handles etc. on. The manual says to use a special tool..., but what can I substitute with? These damn springs appear to be very damn tight!<P>While I am thinking about it, when gutting the interior floor, I noticed the floor wells and some pillars all have what I will describe on as "tar mats" on them. These were so brittle they simply broke in pieces when I handles them. What were they for: sound deadening, or primitive rust prevention? When assembling it all again, do I need to put them back again, and if so, what do I use.<P>Sorry about the lengthy post. Your answers will be greatly appreciated. I will in due course put up a web site listing my trial and tribulations. I have taken a LOT of pictures to aid me in putting it all together again.<P>Thanks<p>[ 07-04-2002: Message edited by: Johan de Bruin ]

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The interior trim is held in by "tuffex nails" which I do not think are avialable anymore.<BR>As for the door handle clips, the "$6.00 dollar tool" just does not work well. I use a butter knife, grind a notch near the end and "rake" the knife over the clip to dislodge it.<BR> Bill

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