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Wanted: Cylinder block for 364


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Does anyone have a cylinder block for a 364 that they are willing to sell? I have the whole engine, but the block is cracked and I have not had luck in welding it up. I have extra engines, but would rather not tear into them right now to get a block.

I live in Central Illinois, but drive down to North Carolina about once a month. Anywhere in, or near, that area would be no problem for me to stop by to pick up.

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If you contact me I can hook you up with someone in Fla. who can most likely be able to repair your block. He's done a number of cast iron repairs for us including a corner of a Mopar block that had been completely blown apart. E-mail me at "Theengineshop@aol.com"

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I'm in Atlanta, and have a complete 364 I'm getting ready to sell. But if you've got spare engines, you're probably already in possession of what I've got--this engine would need to be torn apart.

For what it's worth, yanking apart an engine is something that can be done in just a few hours, especially if you're just trying to get it apart for the block! Ask Mr. Earl--he and his son helped me scatter a 322 all over my shop trying to get the trans off--had to tear the engine down to the crank and remove the crank to get the torque converter off of the flex plate. The whole process took 6 innings of a Braves game on the radio, and we spent at least two innings talking about it and trying to get the trans off before deciding to strip the engine!

Heck, taking stuff apart is the easy part--it's getting it back together that I have the problem with!!!!

If you decide you really need an engine, lemme know--I've got family in Toledo, Ohio, and can deliver it between Atl. and Michigan, along I-75. Toledo is an easy drive from Chicago.


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