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The dog seemed to be enjoying a comfy nap, confirms what a Buick engineer said once "When riding in a Buick, thou shalt not sense the road".Stude8

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Guest De Soto Frank



Great little "movie"...at first, my computer ran sound only, no pic...the sound of the Buick engine reminded me of riding with my Grandad in his '54 Chevy pick-up, back around 1970, when I was only three or so...(I believe those are tappets I hear? Sounds just like the Chevy 235...)

Today, watching with sound & visual, I could almost smell the piquant blend of old mohair, horsehair stuffing, and the faint whif of gasoline/oil fumes...

(Gosh I love old, original cars !)

Hope you had a great tour; I'm quietly jealous of your car... wink.gif

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Guest imported_MrEarl


Makes one want to hit a nice country road on such a beautiful day. In fact, I think I'll do just that.

I had a hard time re down loading media player for some reason but it was worth the effort.

I bet the guys over in BCA would like to see.

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