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2004 program


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I had a problem with blockages in a coronary artery while packing up for Hershey and spent 3 days in intensive care instead of driving to Hershey. Since I was unable to attend this year, is it possible for me to get a copy of the program that I missed? I can send you the "free program" coupon that was in my packet if you want it. It looks like it was one of the best years ever for the weather. Hope you all had a good time. I'll be there next year.

Larry Yirga

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I think I can attest for all of us on this forum, that, your health and recovery is more important than the Hershey Meet.

Will mail a copy of the meet brochure ASAP, however, please forward a mailing address via private e-mail.

Take care, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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I thanked you for helping me in the Email, but I want to let everyone else know that you're helping me out and sending the program to me. Peter is typical of the members I've met throughout my association with AACA. Always ready to lend a hand.

Happy to be a member...Larry Yirga

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Had you attended the event, you would have had the opportunity to be as confused as the rest of us when trying to understand the layout of some of the maps. The person(s) who put it together did not get the help required. Consequently there were a number of errors that made for some serious study before setting out to find a particular location in the Red and/or Chocolate fields. I should really bite my tongue and not mention the above, as it makes me look as though I don't appreciate the tremendous effort required by a relatively small number of people to make Hershey the success it is each year. My annual trip there is always a highlight of the year. This would not be the case without that effort. The errors threw me for a bit before I realize what happened. After that, it was just a matter of remembering the layouts of those two fields and all was well.

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