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To Phil Knapp


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Sorry Phil, my e-mail send feature has been on the blink for about a week now, and this is the only way I can reply, the only '39 Zephyr I have seen around town is a tan coupe with a 454 Chevy engine in it, admittedly I don't get out and around much, but will keep my eyes open, Rolf

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The way I understand it from my contact, the car (or cars) are probably squirreled away somewhere by an "eccentric" owner/collector and probably wouldn't ever be seen on the street. If anybody in Santa Cruz can sniff out a Lincoln Zephyr (particularly a 1939 4-dr convertible), I suspect it would be you! I guess we're **ALL** eccentric in one way or another or we wouldn't be fooling around with these eccentric cars!

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Hi Phil, I keep thinking of a guy that stopped by and bought 2 Model T's from me in the '80's. He said he had a huge collection, and had a big piece of property with some kind of a motel or hotel or resort on it in the little town of Felton, a suburb of Santa Cruz, at the time I asked for "visiting rights" to the T's, but never followed up on it, a lot of rare cars show up here in town for a while then disappear, I recall a '39 Chrysler Royal coupe a while back, saw it everywhere for a time, and then it vanished, my folks had one when I was little. Any body ever heard of the guy in Felton?? Rolf

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Hi Phil. are you interested in a 46-48 Lincoln convertible coupe? A guy who bought my 38 Packard has one in one of his barns. He is a car trader and has about 80-100 cars here in sacramento. he has allot of Packards some rolls royce's Lincolns, a little bit of everything. let me know and I can get you his #.

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Thanks for the tip, Jack

I'd love to have another Lincoln Zephyr convertible! The problem is that I already have too many cars. I've been in a divestiture mode lately. Sold 2 1967 Mustangs and 2 1939 Fords, but acquired a 1939 Zephyr Convertible in the process. My inventory is down but my cost isn't!

I'm trying to gain some space to begin the re-restoration of my 1947 Lincoln Continental Coupe that I've had for 40 (yes, FORTY) years. When I lived in SoCal, I could work on cars outdoors practically all year round. Not so in Texas! Here you need an inside space because outside you either fry or drown!

Nice try, though. My wife will be proud of me when she learns that I turned down ANOTHER Lincoln!

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