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Michigan Tries To Remove Your Car From the Garage!

Guest 70 Electra

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Guest 70 Electra

Yeah, I know this is a "repeat". (I posted it in the AACA Legislation section). I just wanted to make sure the Buick folks saw it.<P>Fellow Michigan Auto Collectors & Enthusiasts:<P>Perhaps you saw the coverage of Michigan Senate Bill (S.B.) 631 in the 1/27/02 Oakland Press. In case you didn't, the highlights are below.<P>The important point is that this proposal classifies non-running, or damaged vehicles as litter, and provides provisions for any private citizen (or the gov't) to seek a court order for removal of said vehicle(s).<P>A key point of the bill, is it includes vehicles that are within the confines of your garage or other structures.<P>The bill was introduced by Sen. Joe Young Jr. of Detroit (Democrat). It is well-intended, but (not surprisingly) mis-guided and violates our freedom to collect and store vehicles within your private property.<P>While you can read summaries of this bill on the SEMA website, I recommend reading the bill in its entirety. Go to <A HREF="http://www.michiganlegislature.org/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.michiganlegislature.org/</A> and enter 631 in the Senate Bill section. (It's only a couple of pages long.) This site is valuable to bookmark, as it will also tell the current status of any Michigan legislature.<P>STATUS: This bill has been referred to the committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs. Membership of this committee is shown below, so that you can contact them. I urge you to do so, in addition to writing your own district's representatives. I have done so, and received a very prompt email reply from the chairman. He is interested in hearing from the voters of Michigan!<P><BR>Kenneth Sikkema ®--Chairman of Committee<BR>SenKSikkema@senate.state.mi.us <P><BR>Walter North ®--Vice Chairman<BR>SenWNorth@senate.state.mi.us <P>Harry Gast ®<BR>SenHGast@senate.state.mi.us<P>Gary Peters (D)<BR>SenGPeters@senate.state.mi.us<P>Joe Young Jr. (D)--author of SB 631<BR>SenJYoung@senate.state.mi.us

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Greg, I wish you luck with this campaign. At one time it was only the knotheads in the California legislature who came up with stuff such as this, but it spreads farther across this country every day and must be stopped. Revolution by night...<P>CA Sen. Henry Waxman (who does not deserve the honorific "Hon.") went on an anti tobacco soapbox several years ago and bears a great deal of the credit for the endless tobacco lawsuits, which have really enriched no one but the trial lawyers who played their games in court. I am not a smoker, but I grew up on a Virginia tobacco farm and the stuff fed, clothed and educated me until I was out on my own. Now, the activists who insist on telling me how to best run my life are not only attacking my legacy, but trying to outlaw my hobby as well.<P>I wrote Sen. Waxman asking how he would view a movement to politically ruin California's citrus crop as he had done for tobacco, since citric acid in large laboratory style doses can definitely cause health problems. Replied he: "California Citrus is a healthful product". Ask my neighbor who has a perforated esophagus from too much juice and other acidic foods.<P>I'd prefer no one to go on a pro or anti tobacco rant here. I never said it was good for you. My point is- governmental meddling never profits anyone but government, and gives them ever more leverage to interfere with your privacy and control your every move.

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Guest Skyking

These lawmakers are from a different planet.........But, what else would you expect from people that never worked a day in their lives.......Just sit on their asses and dream up these rules......They have too much time on their hands!!

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Correction to Tomsriv's post------------Henry Waxman(D)is a U.S.Congressman and thus had nothing to do with the California pre-1974 vehicle smog exemption law. The bill in question was California Senate Bill #42 and was sponsored by State Senator Quentin Koop® rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Guest 70 Electra

Update:<BR>I have received a response from the chairman of the committe that was directed to review SB 631, Sen. Ken Sikkema ®. He was both prompt and polite in his reply. <P>First, the bill is not on the committee's agenda for review and is not (for the time being) expected to be.<P>Not being intimately familiar with the details of Bill passage, I am attempting to find out what this failure to review the Bill means. Specifically, does it mean the Bill will "die" for lack of support, or just that it will return to the State Senate for a vote WITHOUT any revisions????<P>Sen. Sikkema clearly believes that the "intent" of SB 631 is not to impose on the rights of hobbyists to collect cars. However, I have pointed out that in our litigation-crazed society, it quite likely that an irrate neighbor, over-zealous municipality, or other misguided party, could use a LITERAL interpretation and haul some unfortunate hobbyist into court to defend his right to collect cars! Sure, it might well get thrown out of court, but what about the cost (in time and money) to the hobbyist?? It's a BAD situation.<P>I again urge all Michigan auto enthusiasts (and champions of individual rights) to contact their legislators, as well as Sen. Sikkema and the other members of this committee (see first posting in this thread).

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As far as I'm concerned, our legislators can stop making laws any time they like.<P>...Unfortunately, I don't see this happening, because they like to be paid. And citizens don't like to support people who just sit on their rears and make sure the laws don't get up and leave.<P>What will these people come up with next? rolleyes.gif" border="0

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