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Guest DaveZZZ

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Guest imported_DaveZZZ

Hi everyone.

I was wondering about NOS. I sometimes hear about someone cleaning out an Olds dealer for NOS. How exactly does that work? Do you just walk up to the counter and ask what they have for old stuff? Do you slip the guy a $20 and wander back there? The reason I ask is, with the lesser interest in the big cars, I wonder if the Olds dealers have all been cleaned out of that stuff.


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Dave, I'm mighty afraid our good friends at Foosick have cleaned out almost every dealer backroom on the East Coast. Ken Reese got what they didn't get to first.

I got a truckload of good stuff from the local Olds dealer before they closed and sold the franchise about ten years ago. I knew the used car manager, and he knew the Swansons were getting ready to call it quits so he called me. It was a cash under the table deal with him. Made it easier that for many years they had put all their obsolete stock into an old body shop building that was right down on the riverbank- amazing nothing ever got wet, and I was hyper-aware of slithery things but fortunately never saw any.

Since many Olds franchisees are being forced to close, you might get some good deals on an old stock buyout. It's money in their pocket and inventory they don't have to dispose of. You may or may not find 60s big car stuff. I think what you'll find now is 80s.

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There will be a huge dealer inventory at the nationals this year. The local longtime supporter (and an Oldsmobile dealer) of the MOC is going to be liquidating a HUGE stockpile of olds parts in what he's asked be referred to as an estate sale.

I don't know any details on exactly what will be available, but from what I have heard, its going to be an impresive quantity of stuff.

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